2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Kixor Registration Expected Soon

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF is anxiously awaiting final registration for the herbicide technology known as Kixor™. “It’s going well, the registration is anticipated shortly,” said BASF Tech Service rep Dennis Belcher. “This is kind of a unique registration because it’s actually being reviewed by three countries – Canada, Australia and the United States.” Belcher says once the technology is approved, they will put …

Audio, BASF, Farming

Kixor Kicks Mare’s Tail

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF is proving that Kixor™ can really kick butt. During a plot tour in Belleville, IL today, growers and dealers got a look at what Kixor™ powered Sharpen herbicide can do to glyphosate-resistant Mare’s-tail. Belleville Research Center station manager Ron Krausz with Southern Illinois University showed off the plot trials. “It is a burndown type product because of its mode …

Audio, BASF, Farming

From Rainy Plains to Dry Mountains

Amanda Nolz

Well, I’m finally here for an exciting week at the 2009 Cattle Industry Summer Convention. I’m writing to you from the News Room at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Denver. I’ve ditched the rainy plains of South Dakota for a much more summery mountain climate of Colorado. Before the week kicks off, I thought I would give an agricultural update …

Cattle Industry Conference, Farming, Livestock

CNN Live With Steve Tucker

Chuck Zimmerman

I am so glad Steve Tucker tweeted that he was about to go live on CNN via Skype! I got on it and got a screenshot for you. The Twittering Farmer just did a great job letting people have a little bit of insight into who produces their food. Steve told ’em like it is. Up to 15 hours in …

Audio, Farming

Ray-Lin Dairy Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

More and more farmers are speaking out in the social web world and I think it’s great. Take Ray Prock, Ray-Lin Dairy. He’s got a blog going and is very active on Twitter. Welcome to Ray-Lin Dairy’s newly minted blog. To start with here is a little background information about us. We are a second generation Dairy Farm located in …


Next Generation Rancher

Amanda Nolz

Lee Kopriva always knew he wanted to be a cattle rancher. From a young age, he played an active role in his family’s cattle operation, Kopriva Angus. After graduating from South Dakota State University (SDSU) this May, Kopriva is now following his dream of raising quality seedstock for producers, and he is one of the few students in his graduating …

Farming, Food, Livestock

USPB Hosts Workshop for International PVO Guests

Amanda Nolz

The United States Potato Board (USPB) recently met to introduce new ideas about dehydrated potatoes. Guests learned the nutritional facts, planting, production, harvesting, storing and processing. Eight international guests from four private voluntary organizations (PVOs) and two guests from US PVO headquarters attended the USPB Dehydrated Potato Workshop. Among the PVOs participating this year were Africare, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), …

Farming, Food

Farmers Growing Media Support – HTFUS

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m sure most of you know that The Hand That Fees U.S. is the American farmer. But not everyone understands that in the media and the consuming public. For that reason HTFUS was announced today. One of the key individuals involved with this project is Larry Combest, former U. S. Representative from Texas. He was Chairman of the House Ag …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farm Policy, Farming, ZimmCast