RFA Ethanol Podcast

Explore Beef Videos

Chuck Zimmerman

Beef production in action is the focus of a series of videos produced with Beef Checkoff funds. Now let’s see if we can get these seen by someone other than beef farmers! By utilizing beef checkoff resources, America’s cattle farmers and ranchers last week commissioned Close-Up on Modern Beef Production, a millennial movie-making project that helps consumers understand modern beef …

Ag Groups, Beef, Farming, Video

AgriSolutions Releasing AgManager Software Upgrade

Cindy Zimmerman

A popular agricultural accounting program is getting a face lift. AgriSolutions®, the developer of AgManager® accounting software, is announcing an exciting new release which includes many feature updates and a new, easy-to-use interface. These improvements further enhance the ability of agricultural producers to manage the demands of their modern farm businesses. The agricultural accounting experts at AgriSolutions Inc., of Brighton, …


Celebrate Agriculture With Butterball

Chuck Zimmerman

Butterball wants kids to celebrate agriculture just in time for the big fall turkey dinner holiday! Butterball, LLC has partnered with Weekly Reader to develop “Celebrate Agriculture” – a compelling set of classroom learning materials designed to educate children about the importance of responsible agriculture. Butterball’s “Celebrate Agriculture” Weekly Reader program will provide educational materials to more than 200,000 teachers …

Education, Farming, Food

Robert Dasher is Southeastern Farmer of the Year

Chuck Zimmerman

I sure wish I was in Georgia where the sun is shining on the Sunbelt Ag Expo. The winner of the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year was announced today. He’s Robert Dasher of G&R Farms in Glennville, GA. He’s a pioneer in the Vidalia sweet onion industry. Dasher was announced as winner during the Willie B. Withers …

Farming, Sunbelt Ag Expo

Gabriela Cruz Presented Kleckner Trade & Technology Advancement Award

Chuck Zimmerman

During the annual TATT Global Farmer to Farmer Roundtable our participant from Portugal received a prestigious award. Gabriela Cruz received the Kleckner Trade and Technology Advancement Award. I spoke with her about her award and participation in the roundtable and you can listen to our conversation below. Gabriela Cruz is passionate about many things: the family farm that she and …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farming, Food, International

Simultaneous Livestock and Ethanol Production

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the places visited by the TATT Global Farmer to Farmer Roundtable was Couser Cattle Company. Our host was Bill Couser. Bill conducted a fascinating presentation about his marriage of row crop farming (corn/soybeans), livestock production and ethanol production! You can see a portion of his explanation in the video below. He used a long table to display all …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Corn, Ethanol, Farming, International, Sustainability, Technology, Video

Book Review – Farm Hands

Joanna Schroeder

The book I read over the weekend now has a special place on my shelf since I have actually experienced a small portion of what author Tom Rivers describes in “Farm Hands“. The book is an accumulation of his writings for his local newspaper, The Daily News, where he chronicles the labor challenges faced by small farm operations in Upstate …

Agribusiness, Farming

The Iowa Football Player Experience

Joanna Schroeder

Last night during the Iowa Corn Growers Association VIP reception at Kinnick Stadium, attendees had the special privilege to hear from former University of Iowa football player Lew Montgomery. Nearly 20 years ago, Waterloo, Iowa native Montgomery was on the 1991 Rose Bowl team, an experience he said he would never forget. Montgomery is no stranger to farming. He grew …

Corn, Ethanol, Farming, Video

New Holland Is Farm Raised

Chuck Zimmerman

New Holland is rebuilding it’s brand and social media is playing a key role in the program. I learned about it from David Greenberg, New Holland Senior Director of Marketing for North America. You can find what New Holland is doing at IAmFarmRaised.com. David says that “Farm raised is an emotional expression that touches the soul of who we are, …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Farming, New Holland