2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

A Tale of Two Expos

Chuck Zimmerman

The President of the American Feed Industry Association is Joel Newman. AFIA is holding their International Feed Expo here in Atlanta co-located with the International Poultry Expo for the first time I talked with Joel about why the two organizations have come together and how it’s working. It sounds very positive. Listen to my interview with Joel: poultry-expo-newman.mp3

Audio, Farm Progress Show, Poultry

Final Thoughts!


Kelcy Schroder Now, as I’m all recuperated from the Farm Progress Show, I’m back writing again. I was going to write my final thoughts after the show but after my drive back to Ames, I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until this morning for class!

Farm Progress Show

FlexFuel Motors

Chuck Zimmerman

The Ethanol ShowA new exhibit out here at the Farm Progress Show was put together in just the last 45 days by FlexFuel Motors.

The man who’s the inspiration and work horse behind it is Tad Whitten, Motor Sports Management, Inc. Besides having a variety of vehicles on display that utilize ethanol or biodiesel, he built a replica of the first ethanol filling station which was in Nebraska. As you can see in the picture he’s found pumps and other original equipment and even built the building as close to as possible to the original as he could.

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Farm Progress Show

Agriblogging Expert

Chuck Zimmerman

Kelcy Schroder One of the only reporters left working in the media tent this morning was our very own Kelcy Schroder. I think she’s doing a great job helping me cover the show here and I hope you do too.

If you like her work please use the comment feature on her posts to let her know.

Farm Progress Show