2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

What is Best in New Farm Bill

Talia Goes

Before we get to the Farm Bill let’s look at our latest ZimmPoll which asked the question, “Could drones (UAV’s) serve a purpose on your operation?” Well over half of the voters this week said that drones could in fact serve a purpose on their operation. Price is still a factor and may be the reason that some operations would …

Farm Bill, Farm Policy, ZimmPoll

Senate Passes Farm Bill – Not Your Father’s FB

Chuck Zimmerman

The Senate just passed the Farm Bill. The vote was 68-32. Now it’s on to the President’s desk. I’m just waiting on the press releases to start showing up. Curiously, I got one before the vote! From Senator Debbie Stabenow’s website: The U.S. Senate today voted overwhelmingly to approve the bipartisan Farm Bill authored by U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman …

Farm Bill, Farm Policy

House Passes Farm Bill

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like the House got its work done and passed a Farm Bill. The bill passed 251-166. Now we look to the Senate to get it done on their side which is expected by early next week. You can see a summary of the Agricultural Act of 2014 here.

Farm Bill, Farm Policy

EU Agriculture Commercial for CAP

Chuck Zimmerman

The European Union is trying to sell the public on their Common Agriculture Policy while promoting agriculture with a campaign, “Taking Care of Our Roots.” Designed to be greener, fairer and more efficient, the CAP reform aims to reinforce the partnership between Europe and its farmers and deliver real benefits to more than 500 million EU consumers. It also provides …

Farm Policy, International, Video

AFBF Voting Delegates Make Policy

Chuck Zimmerman

The annual meeting of the voting delegates of the American Farm Bureau Federation is underway here in San Antonio, TX. This is grass roots at its finest. Throughout the day the delegates will work through the AFBF policy book making changes and perhaps adding new policy positions. Each one is placed on very large screens so everyone can easily read …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Audio, Farm Policy

NCBA’s Government Affairs Advocating for Beef

Jamie Johansen

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) attended this year’s NAFB Trade Talk event and I spoke with Colin Woodall, Vice President of Government Affairs, while stopping by their booth. Colin voiced that it is an exciting time to be part of the beef community. He admits herd numbers are down, but that it means people are making money. Beyond cattle …

Audio, Beef, Farm Bill, Farm Policy, Media, NAFB, NCBA

Farm Bill Comments from Growth Energy Economist

Cindy Zimmerman

The farm bill is important for agriculture and renewable energy and I had the opportunity to chat with a veteran farm policy expert who now serves as Vice President and Chief Economist for Growth Energy. Jim Miller has served many roles in his career, from leadership positions with the National Farmers Union and National Association of Wheat Growers to Senior …

Audio, Equipment, Ethanol, Farm Bill, Farm Policy, New Holland

Congressmen Visit Farm Progress Show

Cindy Zimmerman

Two Illinois congressmen visited with agricultural leaders and the media during opening day of the Farm Progress Show in Decatur to talk about issues important to farmers and ranchers. Congressman Rodney Davis, a Republican from the district of Illinois that includes Decatur, is a member of both the House Agriculture and Transportation committees, so he is deeply involved in two …

Audio, Farm Bill, Farm Policy, Farm Progress Show

Insider Look at 2013 for Food & Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

How about some Farm to Fork Politics? That’s what we got to kick off 2013 National Ag Day activities in Washington, DC. Here are the panelists for the session that was sponsored by Agri-Pulse just prior to their annual reception. Seated l-r are Dr. Keith Collins, former USDA Chief Economist, B. Hudson Riehle, Senior VP of the Research & Information …

Ag Day, Ag Groups, Agri-Pulse, Audio, Farm Policy, John Deere

Farm to Fork Politics

Chuck Zimmerman

The first in the series of 2013 National Ag Day activities is an Agri-Pulse sponsored session titled, “Farm to Fork Politics: An Insider’s look at the year ahead for food and agriculture” Join us for this panel discussion moderated by Sara Wyant of Agri-Pulse and featuring J.B. Penn of John Deere, former USDA Chief Economist, Dr. Keith Collins and B. …

Ag Day, Ag Groups, Agri-Pulse, Audio, Farm Policy