#FarmBill Trends on Twitter

Cindy Zimmerman

People actually seemed to be paying attention to the first House Senate Conference Committee meeting on the farm bill Wednesday. #FarmBill was a trending topic on Twitter for awhile during the meeting. There were lots of tweets on the King amendment regarding interstate commerce of agricultural products since HSUS is opposed to it, and also plenty of #SNAP comments. There …

Audio, Farm Bill

Rep. Kristi Noem Unplugged

Cindy Zimmerman

Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD) took advantage of last Thursday’s bonus day off from Congress to head back west and meet with some of her peeps at the AgFirst Farmers Cooperative in Aurora, SD. Noem, who is a member of the farm bill conference committee scheduled to begin meeting this week, kicked back with a couple of the coop members and …

Ethanol, Farm Bill, Video

Farm Foundation Talks Farm Bill Conference

John Davis

The farm bill is coming closer to becoming reality, as Congress is about to start the legislation’s Conference Committee. Our friends at Farm Foundation will take a look at how work is progressing on the bill and how the outcome may effect the nation’s food and agriculture system during its next free forum, Wednesday, Nov. 6 from 9 a.m. to …

Agribusiness, Farm Bill, Farm Foundation

Farm Bill Comments from Growth Energy Economist

Cindy Zimmerman

The farm bill is important for agriculture and renewable energy and I had the opportunity to chat with a veteran farm policy expert who now serves as Vice President and Chief Economist for Growth Energy. Jim Miller has served many roles in his career, from leadership positions with the National Farmers Union and National Association of Wheat Growers to Senior …

Audio, Equipment, Ethanol, Farm Bill, Farm Policy, New Holland

Nutrition Bill Passes House

Cindy Zimmerman

All Democrats voted against the Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act, but nearly all Republicans voted for it, enough to pass the bill that finally completes the House work on a farm bill. “This has been an unusual process, but it remains my goal to get a five-year farm bill enacted,” said House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK). “It …

Audio, Farm Bill

Vilsack Talks Farm Bill, RFS with Growth Energy

John Davis

There’s an old Chinese proverb that’s also considered a curse: “May you live in interesting times.” This morning, members of the Growth Energy Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C. heard that from Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, as he explained how it’s “interesting” that Congress seems to have its priorities turned around, with lawmakers working to change Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) …

Audio, Ethanol, Farm Bill

NFU Fly-In Features Big Names

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Farmers Union held a star-studded press conference on the first day of its Legislative Fly-In in Washington to highlight two important issues for agriculture – passing a farm bill this year, and maintaining the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Rock star of the event was Grammy-winning artist Neil Young, pictured here with NFU President Roger Johnson. Young, who was …

Ag Groups, Audio, Ethanol, Farm Bill

Telling #MyFarmBill Story on Social Media

Chuck Zimmerman

USDA and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack are urging you to tell your “MyFarmBill” story via social media. In support of the effort they’ve crated an Instagram account, USDAGov. Here’s the message: At USDA, we remain committed to sharing with all Americans the need for a comprehensive Food, Farm and Jobs Bill to keep up momentum in American agriculture, grow …

Audio, Farm Bill, Social Networking, USDA

Congressmen Visit Farm Progress Show

Cindy Zimmerman

Two Illinois congressmen visited with agricultural leaders and the media during opening day of the Farm Progress Show in Decatur to talk about issues important to farmers and ranchers. Congressman Rodney Davis, a Republican from the district of Illinois that includes Decatur, is a member of both the House Agriculture and Transportation committees, so he is deeply involved in two …

Audio, Farm Bill, Farm Policy, Farm Progress Show