I already clued you in to what Tad Whitten is doing right now at the Missouri and Iowa State Fairs. Now, I’ve got the scoop on what Tad will be doing for this year’s Farm Progress Show coming up at the end of August. Tad says he will be debuting a new filling station replica: tad_whitten2.mp3
Blast From The Past
Most people don’t know it, but Tad Whitten – owner of Motorsports Management – says ethanol has been used as fuel for more than 100 years. That’s why Tad is operating exhibits at the 2007 Missouri State Fair and the 2007 Iowa State Fair. He wants to educate people on the history of ethanol as a fuel source in the …
The State of ACE and Ethanol
Things are winding down here at the ACE Convention. Looking very relaxed this morning was the executive vice president of the American Coalition for Ethanol, Brian Jennings. He gave the state of the industry and organization speech yesterday. I interviewed Brian this morning to find out what he thinks about how things are going in the ethanol industry and especially …
Pawlenty and Peterson At ACE
We had a couple of politicians with us here today at the ACE Convention. The first one on stage was Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. When I asked him about his vision for the future of ethanol in Minnesota he said he wants to be the benchmark state for the rest of the country on the development, use and availability of …
Looking Down on AgriTalk
I don’t mean that the way it sounds. I was actually looking down on AgriTalk just a few minutes ago when they were doing their show live here at the ACE Convention. In the picture Mike Adams is interviewing ACE executive vice president, Brian Jennings. This takes care of the AgriTalk road picture portion on my ACE Convention coverage. It’s …
American Coalition for Ethanol Convention Underway
The American Coalition for Ethanol convention got kicked off yesterday. I might have made it to the opening trade show reception except for United Airlines problems again. But I’m here now enjoying a very large media room. This morning the trade show was the first order of business before breakout sessions. We’ll have an opening general session this afternoon featuring …
Jay Leno Talks Biodiesel With Joe Jobe
Hello from the American Coalition for Ethanol convention in St. Paul, MN. Before I get into some ethanol coverage though I’ve got a biodiesel story for you. You might remember that I went out to Burbank earlier this year with Joe Jobe, National Biodiesel Board and Gene Hemphill, New Holland to visit Jay Leno’s Garage. While we were there Jay …
CHS Buys The DDG Business From CSC
Those DDG’s must have some value eh? CHS , a leading grains, food and energy company, and Commodity Specialists Company (CSC) have entered into a definitive purchase agreement for CHS to acquire the distillers dried grain (DDG) marketing business of CSC. The transaction has been approved by the boards of both companies and is scheduled to become effective in the …
The Next Agriblogging Destinations
The traveling agriblogger is going to take most of the next day and a half off before hitting the road again so you may not see much new from me until the end of the weekend. But then it’s off to new places. The first stop next week is Richland, MI for an event with Pfizer Animal Health titled, “Delivering …
New Driver For Team Ethanol
Since I’ve written about Jeff Simmons so many times here I’ve got to let you know that he’s been replaced as the driver of the Team Ethanol car. It’s a tough sport. The new driver is Ryan Hunter-Reay. I wish Jeff and his fiance, Stephanie all the best. So let’s all welcome new Team Ethanol car driver Ryan and hope …