2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Zeldin Says EPA Will Revise WOTUS Rule

Cindy Zimmerman

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin promised Wednesday that the definition of “Waters of the United States” will be revised “once and for all.” “The previous Administration’s definition of ‘waters of the United States’ placed unfair burdens on the American people and drove up the cost of doing business,” said Zeldin during a press event Wednesday morning. “Given the …

Audio, EPA, Water

Food and Ag Groups Express MAHA Concerns

Cindy Zimmerman

Over 300 agricultural and food organizations have signed on to a letter calling for sound science and data to be used by the Make America Healthy Again Commission in upcoming evaluations for products essential to food and agriculture. The letter, sent to the heads of Health and Human Services, USDA, and EPA, specifically focuses on the importance of pesticides, biotechnology, …

Ag Groups, Crop Protection, EPA

Ethanol Report on Working with New Administration

Cindy Zimmerman

President Donald Trump has been very busy since his inauguration issuing executive orders, making changes, and freezing funding, but how will his actions impact the ethanol industry? In this edition of the Ethanol Report podcast, Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper comments on some of the actions President Trump has taken and where ethanol’s priorities stand in the …

Audio, EPA, Ethanol, Podcasts, RFA

EPA’s Ag Office Head Steps Down

Cindy Zimmerman

The head of EPA’s recently-created Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced he was stepping down this week, after only five months in the new position. Rod Snyder became senior adviser for agriculture at EPA in October 2021 after serving as president of Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture for seven years. EPA Administrator Michael Regan announced the …


RFA and NFU File Separate Lawsuit Over EV Mandate

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association and National Farmers Union have filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals challenging recently finalized light- and medium-duty vehicle emissions standards. This action is separate from the lawsuit filed last week by National Corn Growers Association, American Farm Bureau Federation, and American Petroleum Institute to “ensure that …

EPA, Ethanol, RFA

Farmers, Car Dealers and Oil Companies Sue Over EV Push

Cindy Zimmerman

An unlikely coalition of farmers, car dealers, and the oil industry have joined together to push back against the push for mandated electric vehicles. The National Corn Growers Association, American Farm Bureau Federation and six auto dealers representing 16 brands and collectively operating dozens of dealerships in major markets across the country joined the American Petroleum Institute today in filing …

AFBF, Corn, EPA, Ethanol, NCGA

Farm and Biofuel Groups Pleased with E15 Waiver

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency Friday issued a waiver to allow E15 (15 percent ethanol fuel) to continue to be sold this summer. The temporary waiver under the Clean Air Act was issued “to address extreme and unusual fuel supply circumstances caused by a confluence of events, including the ongoing war in Ukraine and conflict in the Middle East, that are …

ACE, Corn, EPA, Ethanol, RFA

Farmers and Ethanol Workers Call for E15 Waiver

Cindy Zimmerman

Nearly 1,000 farmers, ethanol industry workers, and other supporters from across the country sent a letter to President Biden this week calling for action to allow continued access to E15 throughout the upcoming summer driving season. “With the 2024 summer driving season just a few months away, we are urging your administration to take additional action that will ensure consumers …

Audio, Corn, EPA, Ethanol, RFA

EPA Committee Gives Ag Seat at the Table

Cindy Zimmerman

EPA Administrator Michael Regan recently responded to recommendations from the agency’s Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Federal Advisory Committee (FRRCC) on how EPA can best support the agriculture sector’s climate mitigation and adaptation goals. FRRCC consists of representatives appointed by the agency that provide independent policy advice and information on a range of environmental issues that are of importance to …

ACE, Animal Agriculture, Environment, EPA, Ethanol, Livestock

New EPA Ag Office Head Addresses Ethanol Issues

Cindy Zimmerman

The head of EPA’s new Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Rod Snyder addressed the 13th American Coalition for Ethanol DC Fly-in last week and had a lot to talk about of interest to ethanol stakeholders, not the least of which was updates to the GREET model for implementation of Inflation Reduction Act tax credits. “It’s better to do something …

Audio, EPA, Ethanol