2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur at CTIC Tour

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2011 CTIC Conservation In Action Tour concluded with a visit from Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) who represents the district that includes much of the area of Ohio that we visited today. This 15-term representative is an advocate for agriculture and conservation in her district and was pleased to take time to meet with the tour group. “My main message …

Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Environment

Illinois EPA Working With Farmers In Indian Creek Watershed

Chuck Zimmerman

The Conservation Technology Information Center’s Indian Creek Watershed Project is funded in part by the Illinois EPA. Representing the IL EPA during last week’s field tour was Barb Lieberoff, Environmental Protection Specialist. I spoke with her during lunch. Barb says the Federal 319 Program, part of the Clean Water Act, is what where the program funding comes from. She says …

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Environment, Fertilizer

Pork Producers Can Measure Carbon Footprint

Cindy Zimmerman

Thanks to the efforts of the Pork Checkoff, pork producers now have a tool that will allow them to calculate their carbon footprint. The “Live Swine Carbon Footprint Calculator” was unveiled today at World Pork Expo by the National Pork Board. Pork producers Randy Spronk of Minnesota (pictured) and Roy Henry of Kansas did the introduction, as well as Rick …

Audio, Environment, Pork, World Pork Expo

AgChat Discusses EPA Over Regulation of Farming

Chuck Zimmerman

Over regulation by the EPA was the topic of last night’s AgChat which I had the pleasure to moderate once again. It was an interesting conversation as always and we had some very different points of view expressed. And that’s what it’s all about. How often do you participate in a conversation where everyone agrees? Nothing wrong with that. Here’s …

Environment, Farming

His Royal Highness, Prince of Sustainability

Cindy Zimmerman

In addition to meeting with President Obama, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales gave the keynote address at “The Future of Food” conference at Georgetown University, sponsored by the Washington Post. Since the prince has “tried to farm as sustainably as possible for some twenty-six years” he was about the closest to an actual farmer that the conference had …

Environment, Sustainability, Wackos

Proud to be Biofools Nominees

Cindy Zimmerman

Friends of the Earth (FOE) has paid us a great compliment. We – both me and Chuck – have been nominated for the prestigious “Biofool of the Year” award! The award was established by FOE “to recognize leaders that promote dirty biofuels” – especially corn ethanol – and was won last year by then House Agriculture Committee chairman Collin Peterson …

Corn, Environment, Ethanol, Wackos, ZimmComm Announcement

Agriculture’s Incredible Shrinking Footprint

Cindy Zimmerman

American agriculture has a great story to tell of increasing productivity while at the same time decreasing its environmental footprint. The first of the Town Hall Forums held Saturday at AG CONNECT Expo in the Successful Farming Innovations Theater was “The Shrinking Environmental Footprint of Agriculture” which was moderated by former National Resources Conservation Service chief Bruce Knight, a third-generation …

Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Environment

I Farm to Feed the World

Joanna Schroeder

During the Farm Progress Show, Bayer CropScience kicked off a new initiative called, “I Farm to Feed the World,” in an effort to raise awareness about the need to decrease global hunger amidst a growing population. I spoke with Mark Wrucke about the program and he said, “We’re a global organization and we realize ag has some real challenges coming. …

Audio, Environment, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows, Food

Corn Farming While Protecting The Environment

Chuck Zimmerman

Not all the farmers I met during the Conservation in Action Tour were making presentations. One of them was Wayne Kirby, Virginia corn farmer and Chairman of the Virginia Corn Board. Wayne says a lot of people are interested in agriculture in their area and especially what’s happening with the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort. Wayne says he’s glad to be …

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, Corn, CTIC, Environment