GROWMARK Makes Energy Investments

Cindy Zimmerman

GROWMARK announced two major energy-related investments last month that provide benefits for the members of the Illinois-based agricultural cooperative. First, GROWMARK acquired a propane terminal in Plattsburg, Missouri which is connected to the ONEOK pipeline, has 270,000 gallons of storage and the capability to load out two trucks at once. “It gives us another asset and access to propane,” said …

Audio, Energy, FS System, GROWMARK, Propane

New Holland’s Big #Biomass Baler

Joanna Schroeder

Several years ago the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) published the Billion Ton biomass report and recently made an updated version available. The study shows that there is more than 1 billion tons of biomass available to be used for bio-products including biofuels. For many years, New Holland has been committed to growers who harvest biomass and when the biofuel …

Audio, Energy, Ethanol, Farm Progress Show, Harvest, New Holland

#FarmProgressShow Powered by @FSServices Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

There are lots of vehicles and farm equipment on the grounds at the Farm Progress Show and it’s GROWMARK FS and STAR Energy that keep them all running. “Not only do we offer the fuel for the field demonstrations, we also do all the generators, the air conditioning and power in the tents, but also during the set up,” says …

Audio, Energy, Farm Progress Show, FS System, GROWMARK

#Propane Power from @GROWMARK

Cindy Zimmerman

Propane power is on a roll these days, going far beyond it’s traditional uses of home heating and grain drying, moving into areas such as fleet vehicles and irrigation engines. For this edition of the ZimmCast, I talked with Becky Hornblower, GROWMARK’s propane marketing and technical services manager, about everything that’s new about propane – from supplies and prices, to …

Energy, FS System, GROWMARK, Propane, ZimmCast

PERC Offers Propane Farm Incentive Program

Kelly Marshall

The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) announces the release of the 2016 Propane Farm Incentive Program.  This nationwide research and demonstration provides farmers with purchase incentives of up to $5,000 toward new propane-powered farm equipment. Sponsored by PERC, the 2016 Propane Farm Incentive Program offers incentives of $300 per liter of engine displacement for irrigation engines, $30 per kilowatt …

Agribusiness, Energy, Propane

What’s In and Out for Ag in Omnibus

Cindy Zimmerman

The broad spending and tax legislation compromise unveiled by House Republicans Tuesday night includes some riders important to agriculture. Perhaps the most important, the bill repeals mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL) for meat to prevent more than $1 billion in trade sanctions from Mexico and Canada approved last week by the WTO. “I’m pleased American agriculture and businesses will escape these …

ASA, Biofuels, Energy, Farming, GMO

Sustainable Ag Expo Educates Growers

Kelly Marshall

The 11th Annual Sustainable Ag Expo will be held November 16-17, 2015, at the Madonna Inn Expo Center in San Luis Obispo, California. The expo, hosted by the Vineyard Team, promises educational information for growers of many crops. “The Expo started as a way to explore various issues affecting different types of ag professionals,” said Kris Beal, Executive Director for The …

Ag Groups, Education, Energy, Events, pesticides, Soil, Sustainability, Water

#FarmProgressShow Powered by Dieselex Gold

Cindy Zimmerman

The gold standard for diesel is the fuel that powered the engines at the 2015 Farm Progress Show – as it has for many shows before. “We’re happy to do that to get our fuel in the equipment to show what it can do,” said Randy Moore with the GROWMARK FS Energy Division of the Dieselex Gold brand. “Dieselex Gold …

Audio, Biodiesel, Energy, Farm Progress Show, FS System, GROWMARK

Jeb Bush Touts #Ag Support at Iowa State Fair

Joanna Schroeder

Republican Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida and presidential hopeful, kicked off his time on the Presidential Soapbox promoting his support of agriculture and renewable energy. Florida has a huge agriculture community. In fact, the state ranks second in value of vegetable production, just behind California, is the first in production value for oranges, grapefruit, watermelons, and more and is …

Agribusiness, Audio, Energy, politics, Water

Democrats Webb, O’Malley Tout Support for Ag, Energy

Joanna Schroeder

Democratic hopeful presidential candidates Jim Webb and Martin O’Malley touted their support for ag and energy yesterday during their speeches from the Des Moines Register’s Presidential Soapbox at the Iowa State Fair. They have some fundamental issues in common, including the need for better education and to bring the American dream back to Americans through a stronger economy and better wages. …

Agribusiness, Audio, Energy, Ethanol, politics