2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

USDA Rural Development Biofuels Assistance

Chuck Zimmerman

We had USDA Rural Development represented here at the Transition To A Bio Economy conference by Tony Crooks. He works with their rural business cooperatives program and has done a lot of work with communities in the area of ethanol and biodiesel. The challenge he says we have today in rural communities is the large capital outlay to get a …

Ag Groups, Audio, Energy, Farm Foundation, USDA

Energy BioSciences Institute Working on Solutions

Chuck Zimmerman

Our luncheon speaker today was Paul Willems who works for BP Energy Biosciences Institute. He says it’s a collaboration between the University of California, Berkely, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the University of Illinois and BP. Paul says that their mission is to apply modern biology towards energy problems. The Institute was started in November of 2007 and is currently …

Ag Groups, Audio, Energy, Farm Foundation

R&D Risk in Renewable Fuels

Chuck Zimmerman

Two key words in a presentation at the Transition To A Bio Economy Conference were flexibility and diversification. These are important to managing risk, especially in R&D for renewable fuels. Our presenter was Gordon Rausser, University of California, Berkeley, who was here with his assistant Maya Papineau. I interviewed them both together after the presentation. Gordon says that we should …

Ag Groups, Audio, Energy, Farm Foundation, Research

Switchgrass Risks

Chuck Zimmerman

The second session here at the Transition To A Bio Economy conference was on risk and uncertainty. Jim Larson, University of Tennessee, talked about farmers risk in growing switchgrass as a biomass feedstock for fuel production. He says that this is a commodity that will come into play looking forward. His research shows that it’s risky for farmers because it’s …

Ag Groups, Audio, Energy, Farm Foundation

Getting Down To The Farm Level

Chuck Zimmerman

One of our speakers here at the Transition To A Bio Economy conference brought the discussion down to the farm level. John Miranowski, Iowa State University, spoke about the impact of biofuels on the rural economy and the farm structure. He says that their numbers indicate that increasing biofuels production will have a positive impact on rural communities and farm …

Ag Groups, Audio, Energy, Farm Foundation

Biotech Needed to Increase Biofuels

Chuck Zimmerman

Like the first speaker on our program today here at the Transition To A Bio Economy conference, our second speaker, David Zilberman, University of California, Berkeley, says we need to increase agricultural productivity. His talk was on the distributional effects of biofeuls and he had two conclusions. The first one is that biofuels make some people better off and some …

Ag Groups, Audio, Energy, Farm Foundation, Food

Food and Fuel From ICM

Chuck Zimmerman

Cindy is attending this week’s Fuel Ethanol Workshop in Nashville, TN and will be primarily posting onto Domestic Fuel. I think she’s in the process of uploading some photos as we speak. This one is from when she attended LifeLine Foods opening last fall. I thought it was appropriate in light of this announcement from ICM, Inc. This is exactly …

Agribusiness, Energy, Ethanol

Food Before Fuel?

Chuck Zimmerman

As if we didn’t have enough confusion about the whole food and fuel issue, now we’ve got a new “coalition” with an agenda and a website. There’s a built in blog with no posts too. I really recommend posting on your blog if you want anyone to visit it and if you want any credibility. This one is called Food …

Energy, Food