2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Dallas Family Got Milk

Laura McNamara

You’ve seen the milk commercials imploring “Got Milk?” Well, one Dallas family “got milk,” then got wined and dined. The Bogle Family is one of 25 winners selected in the Think About Your Drink Family Challenge. Officials selected the Dallas family from hundreds of families nationwide. The Bogle family entered the photo contest by submitting a creative snapshot of their …

Ag Groups, Dairy

The Champions of World Dairy Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2007 World Dairy Expo is over and it ended with a great Parade of Champions. You can see pictures of all the action in my photo album. There’s 242 of them in there! Here’s your Supreme Champion, Indian Acres Mm Pistachio Pie, Ashley Elise Sears, So. Deerfield, MA . Jersey was the Reserve Supreme Champion, Llolyn Jude Griffen-et, Peter …

Dairy, Video, World Dairy Expo

LPC Meets With Dairy Woman of the Year

Chuck Zimmerman

The Livestock Publications Council met for breakfast with the Dairy Woman of the Year, Deborah Lee Reinhart, a producer from New Holstein, Wisconsin. She’s pictured third from the left in the front row Diane Johnson, LPC Executive Director gave us an update on some of the regional workshops as well as the Gala Banquet at the American Royal in a …

Audio, Dairy, LPC

Getting a Charleston|Orwig Dairy Perspective

Chuck Zimmerman

In case you’d like a little more dairy news today I thought you might enjoy this. A quiet place to get away from the crowd at World Dairy Expo is the Charleston|Orwig suite in the Coliseum where they hold meetings and entertain clients. Since Charleston|Orwig is one of our sponsors for coverage of World Dairy Expo this year, I did …

Agencies, Audio, Dairy, Video, World Dairy Expo

Obligatory Agri Talk Picture

Cindy Zimmerman

We are covering World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin this week, along with over 175 other media representatives from all over the world. Many of them are farm broadcasters – and here is our obligatory Agri Talk picture, kind of a tradition for us to post a photo of them from every event we both attend. Some other farm broadcasters …

Agencies, BASF, Dairy, Farm Shows, Media, World Dairy Expo

The Milking Parlor Podcast

Chuck Zimmerman

The ranks of the farm podcast now have a new addition. It’s “The Milking Parlor” podcast, the official podcast of World Dairy Diary. The Milking Parlor will feature interviews with dairy industry leaders and producers. World Dairy Expo and our event coverage sponsors are providing us with a great platform to launch this new service. The podcast provides you with …

Dairy, Podcasts, World Dairy Expo

Propane Heat Sanitizes

Laura McNamara

Raj Hulasare with Temp-Air introduced the application of propane heat remediation at the 2007 Propane Technology Forum and Scientist Terry Smith with Mississippi State University has applied that concept to his research in dairy sanitation. Terry and I discussed how propane heat sanitation offers dairy producers a chemical-free option when maintaining the health of their dairy cows. You can listen …

Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy, Environment, Farming, Propane, Research, Technology

Pfizer Research Dairy

Chuck Zimmerman

Speaking of Pfizer Animal Health . . . One of the people I met at their media event at the veterinary medicine research and development farm was Bill Loveland. Bill manages their research dairy. Pfizer has a state of the art dairy facility that allows them to handle up to 128 animals at a time. Bill says the facility opened …

Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy

How The Dairy Checkoff Works

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t know about you but I’ve always been a little confused about how the different dairy checkoff and promotion groups relate to each other. To help explain that I spoke with Tom Gallagher, CEO of Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI). Tom spoke at the joint beef/dairy issues forum held here yesterday. He starts out explaining that DMI is a combination …

Ag Groups, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, Dairy