BASF Highlights North American Investment

Cindy Zimmerman

At the BASF Ag Media Summit today, BASF North America Crop Protection Senior VP Nevin McDougall outlined the continued R&D investment his company is making to bring new agricultural products to market. “Our global investment is upwards of $2 million a day in agricultural research,” said McDougall. “Many of those research projects have direct application to North America.” That translates …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Crop Protection

Welcome to the 2014 BASF Ag Media Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

The semi-annual BASF Ag Media Summit is being held this year in the home state of the crop protection division, North Carolina. We are in the beautiful Raleigh-Durham metro area near the campus of Duke University and the opening reception and dinner was held at a venue celebrating the Tar Heel State’s farming heritage in the tobacco industry. Bay 7 …

BASF, Crop Protection

BASF Confirms New Fungicide Mode of Action

Cindy Zimmerman

Specialty crop producers can take advantage of a new unique class of fungicide that provides two modes of action to manage fungal resistance. BASF researchers have confirmed the discovery of a unique binding mechanism in Initium® fungicide, a key component of Zampro® fungicide, currently available for sale in the U.S. This means that Zampro fungicide is the first, and currently …

Agribusiness, BASF, Crop Protection, specialty crops

FMC Introduces Solstice at Classic

Kristin Liska

This year at the Commodity Classic, FMC Corporation was excited to announce the registration of new Solstice herbicide to be used early post-emerge in corn. Technical Service Rep Nick Hustedde says Solstice is a pre-mix of two modes of action – PPD and HPPD – that creates rapid activity that works especially well on large-seeded broadleaf escapes, such as waterhemp …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, Crop Protection, FMC, Herbicide, Insecticides

BASF Fights Weed Resistance in Colorado

Leah Guffey

At the BASF “Science Behind the Advanced Acre” media event before Commodity Classic a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to learn more about how BASF helps farmers in various parts of the country. Bob Leisy is a business representative with BASF based in Eastern Colorado. He works with retailers and crop consultants, helping them help local growers, like …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Herbicide, weed management

BASF Sharpen Gets Registration for Rice

Cindy Zimmerman

Rice growers now have a new weapon in the fight against tough weeds such as hemp sesbania, morning glory, and Texasweed. BASF has received federal registration of Sharpen® herbicide for both pre- and post-emergence applications on rice to allow for flexible control of broadleaf weeds. “This is a herbicide that offers growers broad-spectrum control on broadleaf weeds,” said Eric Webster, …

Agribusiness, BASF, Crop Protection, Rice, weed management

BASF Agronomist and Central Illinois Farming

Leah Guffey

Ahead of Commodity Classic in San Antonio last week, BASF Crop Protection held the eighth in its Science Behind media event series with the theme of The Advanced Acre. Jeremy Hogan, Innovation Specialist and Agronomist with BASF in Central Illinois, works with farmers to deliver agronomic and product solutions to their operations. Jeremy and I discussed last year’s crazy growing …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Farming

BASF Helps Growers Plan for Success

Cindy Zimmerman

Nobody in business plans for failure and farmers are no different. “We have to plan for success,” says BASF Technical Crop Production Specialist AJ Woodyard. “We have to take that mindset again this year of looking at what is my plan for success this growing season and how am I going to implement that strategy to best maximize yield on …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Seed

BASF Spotlights Future of Farming

Cindy Zimmerman

Over 7,000 people had the opportunity to visit the BASF Crop Protection USA booth at the Commodity Classic to learn more about the future of farming – by video and through the eyes of children. The newest video from BASF, featuring fun facts about how far the industry has progressed and how we must advance in order to meet the …

Agribusiness, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Video