How @BASFAgProducts Helps Farmers #GrowSmart

Cindy Zimmerman

The BASF Ag Products “Grow Smart” strategy is able to help farmers all over the country. At a field day last week in Tennessee, BASF Technical Marketing Manager Caren Schmidt talked about the high yield Grow Smart small plot replicated trial programs. “We’re in the second year in a corn-soybean rotation program in 15 locations from North Dakota to Mississippi …

Audio, BASF, Corn, Crop Protection, Farming

Cheminova Products Add to FMC Portfolio

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC Corporation just completed its acquisition of Cheminova earlier this year and at the Ag Media Summit we talked with FMC business solutions manager David Wheeler about what new crop protection solutions that adds to the FMC portfolio for growers. “The Cheminova acquisition has really rounded out our portfolio,” said Wheeler. “For instance, we were lacking in fungicides in our …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC

FMC Talks Anthem Maxx at #AgMedia

Cindy Zimmerman

Anthem® Maxx herbicide due out this fall from FMC is a new, concentrated version of Anthem herbicide that offers growers a dramatically lower use-rate. “We like taking Anthem to corn,” said Matt Hancock, FMC Corn Segment Manager, during an interview at last week’s Ag Media Summit. “This is a four ounce per acre use rate to get pre- and post-emergent …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, Herbicide

Update on Engenia by @BASFAgProducts

Cindy Zimmerman

We’ve been hearing about the development of Engenia™ herbicide for dicamba-tolerant crops from BASF Crop Protection for over three years now and the wait for it to come to market may soon be over. “Our anticipation is that registration will come in the fourth quarter of this year,” said Dr. Chad Brommer, BASF Technical Market Manager for Engenia, during a …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Herbicide, Video

Illinois Farmers Dealing with Challenging Year

Cindy Zimmerman

Central Illinois has definitely gotten a lot of water this growing season so far and corn and soybean farmers are having to adjust their plans accordingly. During a panel discussion at the BASF Midwest Research Farm this week, we heard from a farmer and his team of advisers on just how this season is impacting crops in the region. From …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Farming, GROWMARK, Weather, weed management

Visit to @BASFAgProducts Midwest Research Farm

Cindy Zimmerman

Out in the Illinois countryside just a little southwest of Champaign is the BASF Midwest Research Farm (MWRF), which the company has developed into a showcase for the latest in crop development trials and stewardship practices. “Several years ago we were farming about 45 acres worth of plots at this site and not really doing a whole lot of customer …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Corn, Crop Protection, Research, Soybean

Pope Francis Calls for Better Care of Our Home

Joanna Schroeder

Pope Francis is calling on humankind to take better care of our home. The Pope, like those before him, has been vocal about climate change and the role humans have played. In LAUDATO SI’ On Care of Our Common Home, Pope Francis writes that our lifestyle of a “throw-away” society – consumption and waste – must change or humans will …

Agribusiness, Biotech, Crop Protection, Environment, GMO, Herbicide, Insecticides, pesticides

BASF Starts 150th Year With Higher Sales

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF’s 150th anniversary year is off to a great start, due in a large part to the chemical company’s innovative crop protection business. Compared with the first quarter of 2014, sales grew by 3% to €20.1 billion ($22.5 billion USD) in the first quarter of this year. Sales in the Agricultural Solutions segment rose by 15% to €1.9 billion ($2.1 …

Agribusiness, BASF, Crop Protection

Monsanto Offers New Cotton Varieties for 2015 Season

Taylor Truckey

While at the 2015 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, our own Chuck Zimmerman had a chance to chat with Monsanto’s Keylon Gholston, Cotton Product Manager with Monsanto, who provided insight into new cotton technologies and products that will be beneficial to growers. Keylon was excited to further explore the 2015 varieties that Monsanto released in December; “We really want to …

Audio, Cotton, Crop Protection