Here’s the Cattle Industry Convention Media Room welcoming committee. It’s Grace and Joe. Joe says Grace is the official Yard-O-Beef spokesmodel. I think the plan is to slice that baby up later today as a news room snack. The media room is getting busier as the day wears on. I was hoping we would have some mild weather here but …
Cattle Industry Convention Directions
I did a walk through of the Opryland hotel this evening to get my bearings and am glad they have directions spread around. This is just a massive complex. Tomorrow I’ll be setting up shop in the media room and conducting interviews and taking pictures as the opportunity presents. One of the first committee meetings is the CBB Admin Subcommittee …
Visiting With Beef Board Staff
When I wandered in to the Opryland Hotel the first person I ran into was Diane Henderson, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (right). She’s my boss here since I’m posting onto the Beef Board blog. Here she is giving directions to CBB board member Charles Miller and his wife Judy. This Opryland complex is immense and a tour guide is very …
Quesadilla Hamburger in Nashville
It’s not warm here in Nashville but at least it wasn’t snowing like it was in Cleveland which I connected through getting here. After checking in to my hotel across the street from the Opryland Hotel I took a nice brisk walk over to see what was going on and to get my bearings for the next several days of …
40 iPods in 40 Hours
The most interesting direct mail piece I’ve received for the upcoming Cattle Industry Convention Trade Show comes from Elanco Animal Health. It’s 40 iPods in 40 Hours. You have to go to their booth to register for one of 40 iPod Nanos they’ll be giving away from their booth (#761). You’ve got to love a company that’s so committed to …
Go The Extra Yard For Beef
The ever so lovely Grace Webb and Joe Schuele (not picture) would like all the farm media to get their registrations in for the Cattle Industry Convention. Like now okay?
The Dude Had A Dell (Power Supply)
Hello from Reno. Tomorrow I’ll start blogging the Cattle Industry Summer Conference so stay tuned. After checking in and unpacking I realized I didn’t bring my computer’s power supply.
Hard to believe and I was thinking, “Now what am I going to do?” Actually I used some additional words that are not fit for print here. A road warrior needs to have 2 power supplies for his notebook for this very reason.
Meet The New Chairman of The CBB
I think this will be my last post from the Cattle Industry Convention. To sort of bring it full circle I interviewed the new Chairman of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, Jay O’Brien, from Amarillo, TX. The gavel was passed to him this morning.
Blogging My Way To San Diego Today
Today is a transition day for AgWired. I’ll be finishing up here at the Cattle Industry Convention before heading on to San Diego to the National Biodiesel Conference. I’ll be bringing you all the action from there starting tomorrow.
Staff Used Up By Convention End
Here’s what happens to the staff of NCBA and CBB by the end of the convention. This is in memory of Christian Hawley, just one of the convention casualties.
I think she needs a Red Bull.