2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Argonne Studying Biofuels Production

Chuck Zimmerman

During the CTIC Indian Creek Watershed Project field tour we heard a presentation from Cristina Negri, an agronomist with the Argonne National Laboratory. Cristina told us about a project they are working on in the watershed to see what types of agricultural production will work best for biofuels. They’re looking for marginal land that doesn’t lend itself to growing corn …

Audio, Biofuels, Conservation, Corn, CTIC, Ethanol, Research

NCGA’s Tolman Receives FEW High Octane Award

Chuck Zimmerman

I am attending the 2011 Fuel Ethanol Workshop which is being held in Indianapolis, IN. It’s the “technical” conference for the industry where lots of the latest in technology and processes are presented in multiple, simultaneous workshops. This morning it was also where the 2011 FEW High Octane Award was presented. Receiving the award is Rick Tolman, CEO, National Corn …

Ag Groups, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA

G-20 Agricultural Ministers Make Action Plan

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Ministers from the G20 nations reached agreement this week on a plan to reduce world food price volatility. “The consensus reached today by the G-20 Agricultural Ministers marks an historic union of resolve in combating the pressing challenges of hunger and food price volatility confronting our world with greater regularity,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in a statement from …

Biofuels, Food, International

Ethanol Potential in Giant Sweet Potatoes

Cindy Zimmerman

Giant sweet potatoes could help South Carolina get into the ethanol game and provide an alternative crop for farmers to replace tobacco. At the recent International Biomass Conference and Expo in St. Louis, Dr. Janice Ryan-Bohac attracted a lot of attention carrying around a sweet potato the size of a newborn baby. She’s the president of CAREnergy, Carolina Advanced Renewable …

Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol, Farming

Rural America Key to Energy Security

Joanna Schroeder

“I am a great believer in American ingenuity,” began Vilsack during his speech in Shenandoah, Iowa where the only first generation ethanol plant is co-located with an algae plant. “I’m a great believer in the capacity of the American farmer and rancher to literally meet any challenge.” Vilsack recently went on an “energy” tour of the Midwest where he visited …

Agribusiness, Biofuels, Corn, Energy, Ethanol, USDA, Video

FAPRI: Farm Incomes Up But Not Biggest Driver in Consumer Price Rise

John Davis

The amount consumers will be paying for food at the grocery store could jump this year, but rising farm incomes won’t be the biggest factor in that increase. The latest report from the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University of Missouri shows there will be good farm incomes in the U.S. this year … a record …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol, Farm Policy

Potential Presidential Hopefuls at Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

Potential presidential candidates for 2012 were already testing the waters in the all-important Hawkeye State this week, appearing at the 5th annual Iowa Renewable Fuels (IRFA) Summit. Former speaker of the U.S. House Newt Gingrich spoke to a full house of more than 700 at the summit in Des Moines on Tuesday. Gingrich supports all types of energy and strongly …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Ethanol

UC Davis Wins $40M in Ag Grants

Joanna Schroeder

UC Davis has won $40 million in federal grants to develop climate-change-tolerant plants and plants better suited to produce fuel. UC Davis scientists, who will led the various projects, will work with researchers at more than 50 universities spanning 20 states. UC Davis wheat geneticist Jorge Dubcovsky will receive $25 million to head a team that will work to develop …

Biofuels, Research, Wheat

Novozymes Acquires EMD/Merck Crop BioScience

Joanna Schroeder

Novozymes had acquired EMD/Merck Crop BioScience from Merck KGaA for US $275 and marks the company’s third major purchase in the agricultural biologicals sector in the past three years. EMD/Merck Crop BioScience is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the majority of the company’s activities take place in North and South America. Novozymes has spent the past few years building up …

Agribusiness, Biofuels, Soybean