RFA Ethanol Podcast

Terviva Offers New Biofuel Feedstock Grown on Trees

Cindy Zimmerman

Agricultural innovation company Terviva has announced an investment from Chevron Renewable Energy Group to help scale production of pongamia for low carbon renewable fuel. “Crude pongamia oil can be converted into biodiesel, renewable diesel, or sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). In working with Chevron Renewable Energy Group, we can increase the availability of feedstocks for production of these fuels while promoting …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Farming, Feed, Food

Feedstocks in Focus at #Classic24

Cindy Zimmerman

It was over 30 years ago that soybean farmers found a new market for their product in fuel made from soybean oil that was eventually called biodiesel, but the market for that clean fuel has expanded to include new feedstocks and opportunities. Clean Fuels Alliance America, formally known as the National Biodiesel Board, hosted a Learning Center Session at the …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance, Commodity Classic, cover crops, SAF

ZimmCast 726 – Clean and Renewable Fuels

Cindy Zimmerman

The push for everything to be more carbon neutral and sustainable has never been stronger, and that continues to increase the demand for clean and renewable fuels. Clean Fuels Alliance America and the Renewable Fuels Association have both held their annual conferences this year to focus on the challenges and opportunities for the U.S. biofuels industry. The Clean Fuels Conference …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA, ZimmCast

Federal Clean Fuels Policy Update

Cindy Zimmerman

At the Clean Fuels Conference in Fort Wort last week, Kurt Kovarik, who serves as Vice President, Federal Affairs for Clean Fuels, provided an update on federal policies and described the work Clean Fuels does on the Hill. A significant part of it is education and persistence. Kovarik leads members in advocating federal policies that support the industry’s growth. Kovarik …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance

Peanut Farmers Interested in SAF

Cindy Zimmerman

Finding new uses for peanuts is becoming a priority for the industry and there was a lot of interest at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference this year in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). “Peanut oil is very suitable for conversion into a jet fuel…to be able to get into that market would be a further use for peanuts and peanut oil …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, cover crops, Peanuts

Rabobank Analyst Sees Potential in SAF

Cindy Zimmerman

The sky seems to be the limit for the future of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and can be a real opportunity for farmers, according to RaboResearch Senior Grains & Oilseeds Analyst Owen Wagner. Wagner was at Commodity Classic last week talking about how sustainable aviation fuel fits into the landscape for commodity demand. “This (SAF) is not just for vegetable …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Commodity Classic, Corn, Ethanol, Soybean

Soybean CEOs United For Clean Fuels

Cindy Zimmerman

The heads of several state soybean organizations and the American Soybean Association (ASA) sat down together at the first Clean Fuels Conference in Tampa this week to share their perspectives on the changing landscape for agriculture and clean fuels. Kansas Soybean Association CEO Kaleb Little moderated the conversation with ASA CEO Steve Censky, Iowa Soybean Association CEO Kirk Leeds, North …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance, Soybean

Clean Fuels Industry United as One

Cindy Zimmerman

Clean Fuels Alliance America CEO Donnell Rehagen welcomed representatives of an industry united as one for a sustainable energy future at the first ever Clean Fuels Conference in Tampa, Florida Tuesday. Formally the National Biodiesel Conference, the new focus encompasses biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel. “We are united with federal and state legislators and regulators who are looking …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance

Stakeholders React to EPA Biofuel Volume Proposal

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published its proposed rule to establish required Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volumes and percentage standards for 2023, 2024, and 2025, as well as to propose a series of important modifications to strengthen and expand the RFS program. Ethanol producers and corn farmers are generally pleased with the proposal, while soybean farmers and biodiesel/renewable diesel …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Corn, EPA, Ethanol, Soybean

Farms and Biofuels Groups Cheer Climate Provisions

Cindy Zimmerman

Farm and biofuel organizations are pleased with provisions included in the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law by President Biden Tuesday, including new funding to encourage agricultural conservation programs and advance biofuels. “Through this legislation, Congress and the administration recognize that farmers’ voluntary climate-smart agricultural practices are an important part of addressing climate change,” said Brooke Appleton, the National Corn …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol