The media room at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference is sponsored by Merial.
How To Enhance The Beef Brand
This morning at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference there are a series of industry Issues Forums taking place. One of them is titled, “Enhancing The Brand.” The brand referred to is beef. I think the consumer research that’s being done by organizations like NCBA with Checkoff funding is fascinating. What’s even more interesting is seeing how they put that research into action.
Catching Up On Blog Feeds
I’m sure that these cattle industry professionals are all online checking the latest on AgWired.
Promoting The Annual Convention
It’s never too early to promote the next major event on the cattle industry calendar.
Meeting Observers
You never know who you’ll run into at a meeting like this.
At one of the early meetings here I found Kathy Cornett and Jay Truitt. They were observing the situation at the NCBA Allied Industry Council & Product Council Meeting.
Beef Board Executive Committee
One of the early meetings here at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference is the Beef Board Executive Committee.
Media Handlers
The media room is supervised by Joe Schuele and Grace Webb. Here they are hard at work making sure the agribloggers and farm podcasters and other media types are getting what they need.
Getting Checked In
It sure doesn’t look very busy here at the registration desk in Reno.
Beef Promotion Plans
The ZimmCast is coming to you this week from Reno, Nevada and the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. For your listening pleasure I interviewed the Chairman of the Beef Board, Jay O’Brien. Jay is a cattle producer from Texas.
Blogging From The Cattle Industry Summer Conference
A “Country Swing” evening event with Joni Harms is just one of the activities on the agenda for the Cattle Industry Summer Conference that gets kicked off this weekend in Reno. I’m heading back to the city I just drove through for a few days of event blogging here on AgWired and on Beef Board Meeting.