RFA Ethanol Podcast

State Beef Council Federation Charter Adopted

Cindy Zimmerman

The Federation of State Beef Councils adopted a charter that details its financial and decision-making independence from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA). The 12-point “Federation Charter of Principles” details independent functions, such as financial practices, while also retaining beneficial business ties the two entities have shared during their 15-year relationship. A Federation Structure Working Group drafted the charter in …

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA

New Beef Ambassadors

Chuck Zimmerman

Members of the new team of National Beef Ambassadors showed up at the Cattle Industry Convention. Pictured are (l-r) Kelli Fulkerson, Michigan, Jessica Sweet, California, Kristen Stufft, Pennsylvania and Austin Joyce, Texas. Not with us is Maddy Ruble, South Dakota. I interviewed them all together. I first asked them why they chose to pursue becoming a beef ambassador and you’ll …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Largest-ever Beef Donation in Colorado

Melissa Sandfort

It’s easy to think that in the land of the plenty, everyone has consistent access to high-quality, nourishing foods, like beef. However, according to the USDA, in 2009, more than 50 million Americans were food insecure and did not have consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy lifestyle. Today, in conjunction with the largest gathering of the nation’s …


Beef Ambassadors Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

If I can get to Denver in time I hope to meet and interview our National Beef Ambassadors. They’re pictured here with Daren Williams, Masters of Beef Advocacy Program. I took the photo from the Beef Ambassadors Blog, sponsored by ZimmComm New Media! The new ambassadors are starting to post on it. Here’s what Austin Joyce had to say: Howdy, …

Beef, NCBA

Chatting About The Beef Checkoff

Chuck Zimmerman

Leaving an icy downtown St. Louis this morning Cindy and I traveled to Columbia, MO where the Missouri Beef Industry Council was holding a board meeting. It was a slow trip since I-70 still had lots of icy spots. We lost count of the cars, trucks and semi’s that had run off the highway and were waiting for tow trucks. …

Ag Groups, Beef

New Research From Beef Checkoff

Chuck Zimmerman

Some of the latest research being conducted by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board includes environmental footprint research, changes to the National Beef Cook-Off and new lean cuts of meat. To talk about them at the recent NAFB convention Trade Talk session was Robert Fountain, Jr., CBB Secretary/Treasurer. I thought the environmental footprint research sounded especially interesting. Interesting but sad that money …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, NAFB

Missouri Beef Council Thanks Farmers

Chuck Zimmerman

This week’s Checkoff Chat, the Missouri Beef Industry Council podcast, is all about #thankafarmer. Cindy talked with Whitney Wallace about the importance of thanking farmers for food, fuel and fiber. You can hear about ways that the MBIC has helped consumers better understand where their food is coming from and who produces it for them:

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Food

Thanksgiving and Farmer Priorities

Chuck Zimmerman

This week is the time to give thanks to America’s farmers and ranchers for producing the most affordable and abundant food supply in the world. If you’d like to help do that using your social media channels then please visit #foodthanks. In this week’s program I’m featuring a couple of interviews from Trade Talk at the NAFB convention. Here’s your …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Farm Policy, NAFB, NCBA, NCGA, ZimmCast

Explore Beef Videos

Chuck Zimmerman

Beef production in action is the focus of a series of videos produced with Beef Checkoff funds. Now let’s see if we can get these seen by someone other than beef farmers! By utilizing beef checkoff resources, America’s cattle farmers and ranchers last week commissioned Close-Up on Modern Beef Production, a millennial movie-making project that helps consumers understand modern beef …

Ag Groups, Beef, Farming, Video