The past Chair of the Animal Agriculture Alliance is Dr. Elizabeth Parker, Chief Veterinarian, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Dr. Parker welcomed us all to the Stakeholders Summit of the Animal Agriculture Alliance and I caught up with her on our morning break.
Dr. Parker says that when she took over as Chair for the Animal Agriculture Alliance her goal was to help further develop the groundswell efforts of both individual farmers and farm organizations to tell their story and not let others do it for them. She says it’s a big challenge to become more of a “voice.” But she’s seeing more and more of what I call agvocating going on at the state level now. She points to the NCBA Masters of Beef Advocacy program as an example. She uses a great family example of how social media has an impact on what people know, or think they know, about where their food comes from. Social media is on the program here by the way.
You can listen to my interview with Dr. Parker here: Dr. Elizabeth Parker Interview
Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholders Summit Photo Album