2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Invests In Midwest Soybeans

Kelly Marshall

The expanded Soybean Breeding and Trait Development Center opened last week in Illinois is all about Midwest soybeans, according Marc Hoobler, Bayer Soybean Seed Product Manager. “This faculty will specifically focused on Midwest soybean growers, so maturity groups two and three,” Hoobler explained. “Especially for the state of Illinois, we’re going to be providing new genetics that will be coming …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Research, Soybean

Bayer Investment Big for Soybean Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

Soybean growers are pleased with Bayer’s increased investment in the research and development of new soybean varieties. “It’s outstanding that Bayer has put up a billion dollars to expand their soybean breeding all across the United States,” said American Soybean Association president and Illinois farmer Ron Moore. “Looks like Bayer is recognizing that soybeans are an important crop for their …

Audio, Bayer, Research, Soybean

Bayer Invests $8 Million in Midwest Soybean Research

Cindy Zimmerman

On Thursday, Bayer wrapped up a week of grand openings by celebrating the expansion of the Soybean Breeding and Trait Development Center in Champaign County, Illinois. The new station will house research and development to identify, develop and test new varieties, using modern breeding methods, pushing the limits of yield potential for growers in the Midwest. The expansion is part …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Research, Soybean, Video

Soybeans on the Mississippi Delta – THE Place To Be

Jamie Johansen

Marion, Arkansas is the new home for soybean research from Bayer. The Marion Soybean Breeding and Trait Development Station sets the stage for the future of soybean improvements with this major investment from Bayer. Chris Tinius, Bayer global soybean breeding director, said this piece of ground was very special to him. He actually worked on the same 180 acres of …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Research, Soybean

Bayer Opens Arkansas Soybean Breeding Station

Jamie Johansen

Southern soybean growers will reap the benefits of an expanded breeding program from Bayer, which includes a $6-million Soybean Breeding and Trait Development Station surrounded by 180 acres of research and showcase plots in Marion, Arkansas. The innovative facility builds on a proven history of profitable, high-yielding soybean varieties that Bayer brings to market through its flagship Credenz soybean brand. …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Research, Soybean, Video

The Future of Weed Resistance

Lizzy Schultz

The continued prevalence of herbicide resistant weeds pose a significant threat to the future availability of many of the industry’s most important crop protection technologies, making the need to take a proactive approach to weed resistance more important than ever. David Tanner, Liberty Product Manager at Bayer, spoke during the 2016 Bayer AgVocacy Forum earlier this month about the current …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Herbicide, weed management

Grants for Pollinators Available from Feed A Bee

Kelly Marshall

Dr. Becky Langer attended last week’s Bayer #Advocay Forum and we caught up with her there to get more details on Bayer’s latest Feed a Bee announcement. To promote their new goal of providing pollinator forge in all 50 states, the Bayer Bee Care program is offering a total of $500,000 for grant projects over the next two years. Proposals …

Audio, Bayer, Bees, pollinators

Soybean Growers: Crop Protection Pays Off

Lizzy Schultz

While weed and pest management remains a priority for growers across the country, the latest and most comprehensive crop protection technologies are not cheap to purchase or implement, and many growers have begun to question whether or not it’s going to be possible to see returns on the costs associated with seed treatments, especially with prices remaining so low. Shawn …

Ag Groups, Agronomy, Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, Research, Soybean

Bayer Opens Texas Cotton Breeding Station

Cindy Zimmerman

Southwest cotton growers will benefit from a new $16.7 million Bayer breeding and research station near Lubbock, Texas that celebrated its grand opening this week. The facility will focus on developing drought-resistant cotton varieties and traits for limited-input situations. Pictured in the ribbon cutting photo are: Tom Speed, Bayer cottonseed and traits; Tim Timmis, Bayer project execution;  Margaret Shields, US …

Audio, Bayer, Cotton

Engaging Urban Youth in Ag

Lizzy Schultz

Engaging youth in agriculture is an important part of fueling the future of the industry, and a presentation surrounding this necessary, complex concept took the spotlight during the 2017 Bayer #AgVocacy Forum last week. One of the presenters was Bev Flatt, a young farmer from Tennessee who seeks to share her passion and knowledge of farming with other young people. …

Ag Groups, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic