2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Looks Forward to Monsanto Closing This Week

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer intends to complete the acquisition of Monsanto this Thursday, June 7, following the receipt of all required approvals from regulatory authorities. “The acquisition of Monsanto is a strategic milestone in strengthening our portfolio of leading businesses in health and nutrition. We will double the size of our agriculture business and create a leading innovation engine in agriculture, positioning us …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Bayer

The Future for LibertyLink

Carrie Muehling

Bayer’s Credenz soybeans including LibertyLink traits performed well in 2017 despite less than ideal weather conditions in many areas. “Across the board, maybe not every segment of geography had the most ideal weather for soybean production, but as a general rule, results were really positive,” said Monty Malone, soybean agronomy leader for Bayer. “Yields were high – a lot of …

Audio, BASF, Bayer, Soybean

BASF Executives Discuss Bayer Acquisition

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Crop Protection business executives held a conference call with reporters Tuesday to discuss the agreement announced last Friday to purchase significant Bayer assets in the largest deal of its kind in history. The $7 billion deal includes Bayer’s global glufosinate-ammonium non-selective herbicide business, seed businesses for canola hybrids in North America under the InVigor® brand using the LibertyLink® trait …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Bayer

EPA Announces New Dicamba Rules

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency has announced new requirements for the use of dicamba formulations “over the top” to further minimize the potential for drift when applying to dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. EPA worked worked with impacted states and land-grant universities, as well as Monsanto, BASF and DuPont on measures that will allow farmers to make informed choices for seed purchases …

AgWired Precision, ASA, BASF, Cotton, Soybean

Bayer Agrees to Sell Selected Crop Science Businesses to BASF

Chuck Zimmerman

I didn’t see this one coming. Just learned of this announcement and it’s a big one. I’m sure we’ll have more to come. From the Bayer website today: In light of the planned acquisition of Monsanto, Bayer has signed an agreement to sell selected Crop Science businesses to BASF for EUR 5.9 billion. The assets to be sold generated net …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, BASF, Bayer

Arkansas Urged to Consider Impact of Dicamba Ban

Cindy Zimmerman

The Arkansas State Plant Board is considering recommendations for dicamba use in the 2018 growing season that Monsanto calls “unwarranted” and BASF considers to be a “rush to judgement.” On August 24, the state’s Dicamba Task Force voted to recommend a cutoff date of April 15 next year for the use of all dicamba products, including Monsanto’s XtendiMax and BASF’s …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Soybean, weed management

Scholarship Recipients Honored at #Classic17

Kelly Marshall

The National Corn Growers Association and BASF have given five undergraduate or graduate students studying agriculture the William C. Berg Academic Excellence in Agriculture Scholarship. These passionate and motivated students were presented with their $1,000 scholarships at a ceremony during the recent 2017 Commodity Classic in San Antonio, Texas. “Our industry needs a well-educated and dedicated group of future leaders …

Ag Groups, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Education, NCGA

BASF Engenia Registered by EPA

Cindy Zimmerman

Late yesterday BASF announced that Engenia™ herbicide has received registration for use in the United States in dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. “Soybean and cotton growers now have a new tool at their disposal to manage glyphosate-resistant weeds,” said Neil Bentley, Director of Marketing, U.S. Crop, BASF. “Engenia herbicide is our most flexible and advanced dicamba for dicamba-tolerant crops. It’s a …

BASF, Crop Protection, weed management

BASF’s Future #Seed Giant at #ASTACSS

Cindy Zimmerman

Justin Clark is a Technical Marketing Manager for BASF Ag Products who was named Future Giant of the Seed Industry by Seed World this year. At the ASTA CSS and Seed Expo, we talked with Clark about BASF’s recent agreement with FMC for in-furrow seed protection. “We think it’s a unique technology that addresses a grower need,” said Clark. “As …

ASTA, Audio, BASF, Seed

BASF Proud to Support FFA at #ASTACSS

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Ag Products has been a proud sponsor of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) for many years now, particularly the annual CSS and Seed Expo. This year at BASF used its presence at the event to raise money for the FFA, a cause which corn and bean communications specialist Colby Mower is very passionate about. “We’re committed to the …