Here’s a great ZimmCast to end the year with on AgWired. I’ve brought Global Auction to your attention before and finally got to interview president Dwayne Leslie. Dwayne is a farmer who got into the internet business to provide his fellow farmers with information and products he needed and knew they would want as well.
Rib Roast Sales Spike At Christmas
Just in time for the holidays we’ve got a news release from the Missouri Beef Industry Council that’s sure to get you drooling. The picture is a Salt Crusted Beef Ribey Roast. You can find the recipe on their website.
Christmas Rib Roast Time
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with executive director, Steve Taylor.
Real Christmas Tree Export Update
Here’s the Chistmas tree in the White House this year (courtesy of National Christmas Tree Association). Being in a Christmas mood I thought it made a good post matched up with a USDA story by Gary Crawford. Gary provides the latest on how Christmas tree exports are doing this year.
Missouri Corn Scholarships Available
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. This week MCGA’s Becky Grisham talks about the Missouri Corn Scholarship program. High school and college students may apply for 6 scholarships which will be awarded in 2006. She says the application forms are available on their website.
What’s New At The NK Brand
This week’s ZimmCast features an interview with Cathy Soanes, Marketing Services Manager for the NK Brand (Syngenta Seeds, Inc.). I spoke with Cathy at the NAFB meeting in Kansas City recently. Cathy thought we’d talk about products I think but I asked her more questions about marketing their products, including internationally. She said that of all the interviews she’d done so far that day no one had asked her the questions I had. Interesting. I hope you enjoy it.
Missouri Beef Council Is Blogging
The Missouri Beef Industry Council’s weekly MBIC Report this week is with executive director, Steve Taylor.
Enhancing Value For Missouri Corn Growers
CornTalk is the week’y interview program of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. This week the program features an update on the MCGA Value Enhancement Program. MCGA Director of Market Development, Gary Wheeler, talks about how the organization works to capture value for its members. Additionally, Wheeler discusses the importance to Missouri corn growers of the reopening of the Japanese market to U. S. beef and he offers some advice to growers as they look forward to next year’s crop.
Missouri Beef Producers Benefit From Open Japan Market
With today’s announcement about the opening up of the Japanese market to U. S. beef the Missouri Beef Industry Council wanted to make sure the word got out about what it means on the local level with this release.
Japanese Border Open To U. S. Beef
You’ll be hearing a lot about this today and over the next couple days so I thought I’d give you a heads up. The Japanese border is open to U. S. beef. That’s big news for our cattle producers.