I think this will be my last post from the Cattle Industry Convention. To sort of bring it full circle I interviewed the new Chairman of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, Jay O’Brien, from Amarillo, TX. The gavel was passed to him this morning.
Listen To The New (Almost) NCBA President
He’s being double-teamed here by Randy Koenen and Greg Akagi. He’s also the incoming President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. He’s Mike John and all of us in Missouri are proud of him. I won’t be able to attend his acceptance speech tomorrow afternoon so I interviewed him myself.
Innovative Beef Restaurant In Iowa
Regular readers know I’m a pretty big food fan and especially of beef. After seeing the Beef Backer Award winners presented with their awards this morning I’m looking forward to my next trip to Iowa so I can stop in at Trostel’s Greenbriar in Johnston.
AgriTalk Live From Denver
They brought me a picture and audio and I’m happy to let you know what the folks at AgriTalk are doing here at the Cattle Industry Convention. Mike Adams is broadcasting live each morning from here in the convention center in Denver.
Speech By Sec. of Ag Mike Johanns
Our U. S. Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns, was on the program early today here at the Cattle Industry Convention. He spoke for about 25 minutes before taking some questions from the floor.
Cattle Industry Convention Media Forum
This is a big head table. Kind of hard to get into one shot. You’ll have to listen to the audio to hear their introduction by Joe Schuele, NCBA. This is the Cattle Industry Convention Media Forum just prior to our reception this evening. The event was sponsored by Merial.
Update On The R-Calf Convention
Since I’m doing so much coverage of the Cattle Industry Convention and since I couldn’t attend the R-Calf convention Cindy interviewed Mike Callicrate, NoBull Enterprises about the activities of that meeting.
Interview With CBB Chairman
The chairman of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board is Al Svajgr. I caught him for just a couple minutes this morning in the media room. He’s one busy man this week. In my interview Al talks about the new long range plan and what he most wants cattlemen to know about the Checkoff. He also explains why they decided to blog.
Beef, It’s What’s For Dinner
We had a secret mystery guest here at the convention. He’s Sam Elliott. You have hopefully heard his voice on a beef commercial somewhere, sometime. Sam didn’t prepare a speech. He spoke in a very genuine voice about his past, including his first memory of riding a horse. He spoke about how full circle he feels like his career has come to now be the spokesperson for the beef indusry. You can hear his unforgettable words at the end of his remarks.
CBB Member Explains Blog
As you probably know I’m also blogging the Cattle Industry Convention for the Cattlemen’s Beef Board on their Beef Board Meeting Blog. In case you’re wondering how that came about I interviewed Charles Miller, who’s a cattleman from Kentucky and chairman of the Administration Subcommittee.