New Herbicide Label “Warrants” Excitement

Cindy Zimmerman

The recent labeling of Warrant® Herbicide for pre-emergence use gives cotton and soybean farmers a new tool for residual weed control. “Warrant herbicide will provide more options now that we’ve got a pre- and post-emerge label,” said Tyler Hackstadt, selective chemistry marketing lead for Monsanto, in an interview with Randall Weiseman of Southeast AgNet. Listen to Randall’s report here: The …

Audio, weed management

Factors Impacting Global Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

What is ahead for global agriculture? Now there’s a question that can’t be easy to answer. But that’s the task Steve Elmore, Economics Director, Dupont Pioneer, had this morning at the AgroNomics Conference. Steve provided attendees with information on the current major factors influencing agriculture. By understanding what these are ASFMRA members can draw more informed conclusions about the current …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Pioneer

Some Perspective on Land Values

Chuck Zimmerman

The value of land is a big topic of discussion at AgroNomics. We’re seeing some very high values and selling prices these days. I talked with Howard Halderman, Halderman Farm Management (on left in photo), to get his perspective on where we’re at in the U.S. with land values. He says landowners are very happy right now since higher land …

Ag Groups, Audio

Education for Farm Managers/Rural Appraisers

Chuck Zimmerman

Continuing education is very important to farm managers and rural appraisers and very much a part of what ASFMRA offers to its members. Meet ASFMRA Education Chair for Appraisers, Justin Bierschwale, Bierschwale Land Company. Here at AgroNomics Justin is serving on the program committee and conducted one of the educational presentations. Justin says AgroNomics offers a variety of educational seminars. …

Ag Groups, Audio, Education

Opening of AgroNomics

Chuck Zimmerman

It is always inspiring to see our FFA members in their blue coats. Here are Shelby Riley (left) and Brandan Bergdall holding the flags that they presented to start off the 2012 American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Annual Meeting and AgroNomics – Vision 2013. I asked both FFA’ers how their convention went since both attended and what …

Ag Groups, Audio, FFA

Being Relevant to Your Customers

Chuck Zimmerman

Is your company still relevant to your customers? Well I hope so. But if you want to delve in to this Ross Shafer can help. Ross was the keynote speaker at the O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling dealer appreciation day. I first met Ross during this year’s Agri-Marketing Conference. He’s a very informative and entertaining speaker. He says the customer …

Agribusiness, Audio, O.H. Kruse

Some O.H. Kruse Memories

Chuck Zimmerman

When you’ve got a company that is three generations old you can bet there are lots of memories. I captured some of those memories of O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling by talking with Richard Kruse, Kruse Feed & Supply. Richard is pictured on the left with his nephew, Kevin Kruse. Richard started out working in his father’s business and it …

Agribusiness, Audio, Feed, O.H. Kruse

Prima Tech Has Your Yellow Boots

Chuck Zimmerman

Yellow boots? Yes. And they’re not rubber! They’re polyurethane. Why? Because they last 3-4 times longer. Now that’s important not only for today’s dairy farmer but anyone who could use some comfortable boots in messy situations. These are Prima Tech boots and they were on display at World Dairy Expo. Besides being longer lasting they are insulated, lighter and very …

Agribusiness, Audio, World Dairy Expo

What Advertising Works for Ag Retailers

Chuck Zimmerman

Want to have a successful ag retail advertising campaign? Let David Stanley, ConvergeMark, give you some ideas. David was one of the presenters at the O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling dealer appreciation day. David says “You have to realize you can’t be all things to all people. Really figure out who you can serve best and then find out, What …

Agribusiness, Audio, Feed, O.H. Kruse

Marketing Ag Retail Online

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’re in the retail ag business how do you stand out from the crowd, especially when we’re talking about online. Yep. The internet. That question is one that Terrell Miller, Cattlesoft, Inc. founder, provided answers for during the O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling dealer appreciation day. Terrell conducted two presentations during the day on this subject. The big message …

Agribusiness, Audio, Feed, O.H. Kruse