2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ASTA Ends Year on High Note

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) is ending 2019 on a positive note with another successful CSS and Seed Expo in Chicago and a lot of optimism going forward. “There’s a lot of innovation in our industry today,” says ASTA president and CEO Andy LaVigne. “So we see a lot of companies coming into the market, a lot on discovery, …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Audio, Seed

Arcadia Biosciences Launches GoodHemp

Cindy Zimmerman

During the American Seed Trade Association CSS & Seed Expo in Chicago this week, Arcadia Biosciences announced the launch of a new product line – GoodHemp. As the company’s new brand for delivering genetically superior hemp seeds, transplants, flower and extracts, GoodHemp’s first commercial product is a disease resistant and ultra-low THC hemp seed. Accepting advance orders now, the first …

ASTA, Audio, Cannabis, hemp, Seed

Lots of Interest in ASTACSS Hemp Session

Cindy Zimmerman

The Hemp Seed Opportunities & Challenges session at the American Seed Trade Association’s 2019 CSS and Seed Expo was packed at the end of the day on Wednesday, showing the high level of interest the seed industry has in this new and growing commodity. Participating in the session were Pat Miller, ASTA’s Director of State Government Affairs; Wendy Mosher with …

ASTA, Audio, Cannabis, hemp, Seed

ASTA Excited About USMCA

Cindy Zimmerman

Members of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) meeting in Chicago this week are excited about news that an agreement has been reached on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that could mean a vote as early as next week. “Mexico and Canada are our two biggest agricultural trading partners so we need that clear relationship,” said ASTA Chair Wayne Gale …

ASTA, Audio, Seed, Trade

ASTA Announces Student Video Contest Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

Recent Iowa State University PhD graduate Kevin Falk was honored as the grand prize winner of the Better Seed, Better Life Student Video Contest for the second year in row during the Opening General Session of ASTA’s CSS & Seed Expo 2019 in Chicago. Falk’s PhD work focuses around harnessing technology to develop high throughput phenotyping platforms and machine learning …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, ASTA, Audio, BASF, Seed

Basse Back at ASTACSS

Cindy Zimmerman

The most popular session at the annual ASTA CSS & Seed Expo is always the agricultural economy update by Dan Basse, AgResource Company, and this year was no exception as he opened the general session for the seventh year. Basse offered his insights on this year’s yields, impact of African Swine Fever in China, the ABU countries (Argentina, Brazil, Ukraine), …

ASTA, Audio

ZimmCast 631 – Hemp in the Heartland

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program you can hear Cindy talk with Wayne Gale, Stokes Seeds and Chairman of the American Seed Trade Association, about the upcoming ASTA CSS & Seed Expo. I then talk with Bill Cook, Executive Director of the Missouri Hemp Association about their inaugural Heart of America Agricultural Hemp Classic (registration started on Black Friday). Wayne talks about …

Ag Groups, ASTA, Audio, Farming, hemp, ZimmCast

Hemp Seed is a Hot Topic for ASTA

Cindy Zimmerman

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) chairman Wayne Gale, Stokes Seeds, spent a lot of time answering questions about hemp seed at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk. Gale says ASTA’s role is to provide information for the growing hemp industry to help the seed industry identify sources of quality seed “to ensure that the growers that the …

ASTA, Audio, Cannabis, hemp, NAFB, Seed

ASTA Events App Now Live

Chuck Zimmerman

The all-new, year-round mobile app for ASTA event information is now live and available. Replacing our former app, this new mobile experience includes a new, often-requested feature: one-to-one messaging and appointment setting with other attendees! To download the new app, search ASTA Events in your app store. Special thanks to our app sponsor, Corteva Agriscience! Like this sponsorship? Hurry to …

Ag Groups, Apps, ASTA

New ASTA Officers

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) announced its newly-elected officer team this week during the organization’s Policy & Leadership Development Conference (PLDC) in Denver, CO. Members of the FY2019-20 ASTA officer team—officially taking office on July 1 are: Chair: Wayne Gale, Stokes Seed First Vice Chair: John Latham, Latham Hi-Tech Seeds Second Vice Chair: Brad May, BASF A third generation …

ASTA, Seed