RFA Ethanol Podcast

Cover Crop Seed Growth

Cindy Zimmerman

With cover crops becoming increasingly important for farmers to provide nutrients and protect against erosion, different varieties are being developed to address specific needs. At the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) CSS & Seed Expo in Chicago, I learned more about that from Risa DeMasi with Grassland Oregon, who is second vice chairman of ASTA. “Our company is very involved …

ASTA, Audio, Conservation, Seed

Seed Treatment in Modern Crop Production

Chuck Zimmerman

At the end of last week Croplife Foundation released a new report, “The Role of Seed Treatment in Modern U.S. Crop Production.” The report contains extensive information on the benefits of seed treatment for growers, consumers and the environment. Some of the topics covered in the report include: Grower benefits – Seed treatments offer effective control against early-season pests and …

Ag Groups, ASTA, Audio, Seed

ASTA CSS 2013 Preview

Cindy Zimmerman

When I talked with American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) CEO Andy LaVinge at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting meeting the 2013 CSS & Seed Expo was still three weeks away, but all of the sudden it’s next week already! I am heading to Chicago for the 68th annual Corn and Sorghum Seed Research Conference/43rd Soybean Seed Research Conference on …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Audio, BASF, Seed

Biotech Crops Alliance Names Secretariat

Cindy Zimmerman

An alliance of organizations supporting biotech crops has named a leader to help “spearhead collaborative efforts to improve the environment for technology innovation and the market for U.S. crops produced through modern biotechnology.” Dr. Michael J. Phillips has been selected as the first secretariat for the U.S. Biotech Crops Alliance (USBCA), which was established by several organizations under a memorandum …

AFBF, Ag Groups, ASTA, Biotech, NCGA

Kohn Joins ASTA

Talia Goes

Michelle Kohn, formerly a research analyst for agriculture consulting firm, Agralytica, has been named Director, International Programs and Policy, said Andrew W. LaVigne, president and CEO of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA). In this new role at ASTA, Kohn will be responsible for the management and direction of USDA Cooperator/donor-funded programs and for assisting in the development of ASTA’s …

Agribusiness, ASTA

Update on Accord

Maggie Seiler

The 130th ASTA annual meeting gave attendees an opportunity to receive an update on the progress of the Accord initiative that is a joint effort of ASTA with the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO). “The Accord is an industry-led framework that is meant to address situations when biotech events go off patent and how we maintain the regulatory approvals worldwide for …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Biotech, Seed

Seed Advocate Program Launched at ASTA Meeting

Maggie Seiler

The American Seed Trade Association introduced their new seed advocate program at the 130th ASTA annual meeting. The intention of the program is to help grow grassroots leadership to communicate with policy makers about the seed industry. “We will provide them with the information and tools they need so they can continue that interaction with their government employees for positive …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Audio, Seed

FuSE program grows future ASTA members

Maggie Seiler

The Future Seed Executives (FuSE) program was initiated as a branch of the ASTA Management Skills Committee in 2004. According to Liz Pestow, immediate past chairman of the FuSE initiative, “The focus of FuSE is to provide educational and networking opportunities to those in the industry with seven years or less experience,” Pestow said. Members involved in FuSE range from …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Seed

ASTA State of Agribusiness Panel Discussion

Maggie Seiler

Challenges facing the seed industry were the topic of discussion at Tuesday morning’s general session at the 130th ASTA annual meeting. The state of agribusiness panel was composed of Ross Harvey from AdFarm, Blake Sieker managing partner at The Context Network and Kevin Ferguson farm management extension area specialist with the University of Tennessee. The panel was moderated by Lowell …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Seed