Meet New NCBA President Craig Uden

Kelly Marshall

The 2017 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show wrapped up on Saturday with the election of Nebraska cattleman Craig Uden as the organization’s new president. More than 9,300 people attended this year’s convention, shattering the previous record of 8,200, to engage in grassroots policy process, hear from industry experts and attend the expansive tradeshow. Uden’s route to President might …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA

U.S. Soy Meets Demand of Growing Aquaculture Industry

Jamie Johansen

As the fastest growing animal protein, aquaculture is the center of conversations beyond the circle of animal agriculture. And the most common circle these days discussing aquaculture is soybean. The U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and Soy Aquaculture Alliance (SAA) joined forces to host the 2017 Aquaculture Educational Opportunity in Panama City, Panama. U.S. soybean growers, researchers and aquaculture experts …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Aquaculture, Audio, Exports, Nutrition, Soybean, USSEC

Help #Celebrate50 with World Dairy Expo

Jamie Johansen

We have officially kicked off the 2016 World Dairy Expo (WDE) in Madison, WI. Fifty years ago the concept of bringing a cattle show together with a dairy industry expo was simply a dream; today it is a legacy. The event is known to bring over 70,000 visitors each year with nearly 3,000 international guests representing over 90 different countries. …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Dairy, World Dairy Expo

Aquaculture Explodes & #USSoy Meets Nutrient Demand

Jamie Johansen

I sat down with Sebastian Bell, Executive Director of the Maine Aquaculture Association, during the 2016 U.S. Soy Global Trade Exchange, to talk about the role soy protein is playing in the formulation of aquatic feeds as the industry of aquaculture continues to explode globally as an agricultural production system. “Aquaculture is the largest growing food production activity in the …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Aquaculture, Audio, Food, Soybean, USSEC

Novus Unveils Project Horizon at #WPX16

Lizzy Schultz

As part of their ongoing commitment to bringing customers innovative solutions to the challenges facing the industry, Novus International used the 2016 World Pork Expo as an opportunity to debut Project Horizon, which aims to help producers navigate through the transition to antibiotic-free production. “We’ve had in-house expertise in terms of gut health and nutrition throughout the 25 years that …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Feed, Novus International, Nutrition, Veterinary, World Pork Expo

Animal Ag Education is Working

Jamie Johansen

The control, prevention and eradication of diseases like salmonella, PRRS, E. coli and camppylobacter are all key factors to profitable production. Lance Barton, director of wean to finish and genetic services, Belstra Milling Co. spoke to attendees during a special session at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference sharing his work with Fair Oaks Farms and how their Pig Adventure focuses …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Education, Swine

The Farm Technologist – Just #ONEBigIdea

Jamie Johansen

The future of farming was the center of discussion at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference and their is no future of farming if younger generations aren’t interested in it. Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer for Alltech, Dr. Karl Dawson, has taken on the challenge of making education exciting throughout animal agriculture, which he believes will be the driving force …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Education, Technology

The Building Blocks to Better Beef Production

Lizzy Schultz

This year at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference, attendees had access to a variety of special sessions that highlighted some of the global opportunities currently breaking new ground in different sectors of agriculture production. Dan Dhuyvetter, Director of Marketing, Research and Development, and Nutrition Services for block supplement manufacturer Ridley Block Operations spoke during the special session on the beef …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Beef, Forage

Zimmie the Zebra Looking for New Home at #NAMA16

Chuck Zimmerman

Meet Zimmie the Zebra. This rare pygmy zebra has been homeless for some time as habitat in her native land of Zambia has been disappearing. When I found out about this I called Brian Rund, Nufarm, because he and I had worked on a zebra home placement project during Potato Expo earlier this year. During that show we helped Chip, …

Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Livestock, NAMA, Nufarm

Common Ground Takes Families Out To Ranch

Lizzy Schultz

CommonGround has launched a new video on animal welfare, highlighting how ranchers care for their animals. The short piece features Colorado CommonGround volunteer and rancher Kelsey Pope and her mother, Cindy Frasier, and helps consumers that are actively looking for the story behind their food. The video shows Pope and her family out together working on their ranch. Together, Frasier …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Video