2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Animal Ag News 10/10

Carrie Muehling

The cost of purchasing a turkey could be lower this Thanksgiving, thanks to a drop in avian influenza cases and a recovery of the turkey population in the United States. American Farm Bureau Federation economists analyzed turkey and egg prices in the latest Market Intel report, which states the average price for an eight to 16-pound turkey typically served for …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Animal Ag News 10/2

Carrie Muehling

As of Sept. 1, there were 74.3 million hogs and pigs on U.S. farms, up slightly from September 2022 and up 2 percent from June 1, 2023, according to the Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Experimental lines of field corn developed by a team of Agricultural Research Service …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Animal Ag News 9/25

Carrie Muehling

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) held its 52nd annual Liquid Feed Symposium (LFS) in Louisville, Ky., where over 170 attendees gathered to hear the latest ingredient, weather and market forecasts and discuss the ways this unique industry segment factors into cattle producers’ sustainability objectives. The Greener Cattle Initiative (GCI), a multi-partner international consortium investing in research mitigating enteric methane, …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Animal Ag News 9/19

Carrie Muehling

Whether you are pitch perfect or know how to make beef sizzle, CattleCon24 has a variety of contents to showcase your hidden talents. Applications are now open for the Beef It Up Recipe Contest, National Anthem Contest and Beef’s Got Talent at convention.ncba.org. The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) named Westway Feed Products’ Houston, Texas, facility as its 2023 Liquid …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Animal Ag News 9/11

Carrie Muehling

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) announced it has joined the steering committee of the Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance (FACA). FACA consists of more than 80 organizations representing farmers, ranchers, forest owners, agribusinesses, manufacturers, the food and innovation sector, state governments, sportsmen and sportswomen, and environmental advocates. The National Milk Producers Federation announced a significant staff reorganization as it …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Animal Ag News 9/5

Carrie Muehling

Since 1963, the Federation of State Beef Councils has been committed to building beef demand by inspiring, unifying and supporting an effective and coordinated state and national Checkoff partnership. By working together with one unified vision and plan, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, and state beef councils continue to set a positive course for …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Secretary Vilsack Announces More IRA Funding

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack stopped briefly at the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois Wednesday to award $266 million in loans and grants for agriculture producers and rural small businesses to make investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements, made possible in part by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Vilsack used a white board to talk about funding under …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, climate, Farm Progress Show, USDA

Animal Ag News 8/28

Carrie Muehling

The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) has launched a new program to review organizational policies and positions specific to animal agriculture as a third-party reviewer. NIAA Animal Agriculture Policy Review Panels are assembled upon request by animal agriculture stakeholders to review a specific organizational policy or position statement. Optimism greeted beef cattle producers from around the country attending the …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Animal Ag News 8/21

Carrie Muehling

The Greener Cattle Initiative (GCI), the first consortium investing in research mitigating enteric methane, awarded its initial grant to develop actionable options that reduce enteric methane emissions from cattle. GCI awarded its initial grant in the amount of $758,776 to Penn State’s Distinguished Professor of Dairy Nutrition Dr. Alexander N. Hristov to develop new enteric methane inhibitors and delivery methods …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Animal Ag News 8/14

Carrie Muehling

Dr. Dave Daley, a leader in the California Cattlemen’s Association, Public Lands Council, and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association testified before the House Natural Resources Committee in a field hearing titled “Conservation in a Crown Jewel: A Discussion About Wildfires and Forest Management.” Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and the Dairy Business Association announced a pair of promotions to their member services …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites