This is the 15th year of the Evnironmental Respect Awards and it’s a very good way to recognize how well ag companies care for the environment. Let’s face it, if farmers and others in ag didn’t take care of the environment where would they make a living? It only makes sense and I think most of the general public knows it!
Garst Giving Away Seed To Celebrate 75th
Here’s a great way to celebrate 75 years! Give stuff away. You’ve gotta like that. I’m sure growers will. Garst Seed Company has gone through a lot of changes since it was the Garst & Thomas Hybrid Corn Company back in 1930!
Tractor Supply Company Acquisition
The big are getting bigger. Or should I say the biggest is getting bigger.
BIV Receives APHIS Approval
I wonder if they’re doing any radio for this announcement? Not only would the products be difficult to say but what they treat is even more difficult.
New John Deere Business For Osborn & Barr
Osborn & Barr has obviously been doing a good job for John Deere.
Laser Engraved Produce
Now this is cool. I hate peeling those little labels off fruit and vegetables after you buy them. Sometimes I think they’ve been put on with super glue. Even when you get them off they sometimes leave a sticky residue. This company has got a great idea and I can see this catching on, not only for product labelling but also for advertising!
Monsanto’s YGPL Root Reports Hit The Airwaves
This isn’t the first year they’ve done it but they’re doing it a little differently this year. That is they’re using ZimmComm to pre-record interviews with growers and technical representative for a series of radio reports. They’re Osborn & Barr for their client, Monsanto, and the reports are about YieldGard Plus with a focus on corn plant root conditions. Partners With International Agri-Center
If you’ve ever used Monster to try to find a job or hire someone and are looking for an “aggie” then you ought to check out They’ve just partnered up with the folks at the International Agri-Center in California.
Renewable Fuels Discussed At Breakfast
Breakfast this morning in Columbia, MO was at the MFA Oil headquarters. The Columbia Chamber of Commerce has a Food For Thought Breakfast Series that features interesting topics and speakers. Today it was Michelle Kautz, National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition and Jon Kleiboeker, Missouri Soybean Association speaking about renewable fuels, ethanol and biodiesel.