Rural Nebraska Is High Speed Internet Connected

Chuck Zimmerman

Technologies Across NebraskaImagine that 100 % of the people in Nebraska have broadband internet access available to them! No way you say? You’re wrong. It’s here and in a state that I’d bet you wouldn’t think it. This is a long post but I think this is fascinating. To get to the 100 % you have to figure in satellite but without it this document says that 57 % of rural Nebraska has it. That’s up 15 % in just one year! This information was put out by University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension. I have to believe without doing some research that you’ll find initiatives like this across the country. It’s a “wired” world folks. By that I mean connected to the internet. Resistance is futile.

Agribusiness, Internet

Laser Engraved Produce

Chuck Zimmerman

Laser Engraved ProduceNow this is cool. I hate peeling those little labels off fruit and vegetables after you buy them. Sometimes I think they’ve been put on with super glue. Even when you get them off they sometimes leave a sticky residue. This company has got a great idea and I can see this catching on, not only for product labelling but also for advertising!


Monsanto’s YGPL Root Reports Hit The Airwaves

Chuck Zimmerman

MonsantoThis isn’t the first year they’ve done it but they’re doing it a little differently this year. That is they’re using ZimmComm to pre-record interviews with growers and technical representative for a series of radio reports. They’re Osborn & Barr for their client, Monsanto, and the reports are about YieldGard Plus with a focus on corn plant root conditions.

Agencies, Agribusiness, Audio