Bodisen Launches Mancozeb Facility

Chuck Zimmerman

Bodisen Biotech It seems like we’re seeing more and more news from China these days. In this case, Bodisen Biotech, which claims that it is the first China-based environmentally friendly bio-fertilizer company listed on a US stock exchange (AMEX),” today announced the launch of its new pesticide raw materials production line which is expected to make it one of the largest producers of Mancozeb in China.

Agribusiness, International

Golf Irrigation By John Deere

Chuck Zimmerman

John DeereIt’s tough getting your groove back after a 2 week road trip but I’m working on it. I just saw an announcement for John Deere Golf Irrigation. They’ve entered into an exclusive strategic alliance with Signature Control Systems, jointly research, create and distribute water management products and solutions for the golf market. Which means that:
