The folks at AdFarm covered all the bases when it came time to send out news on Nitragin’s acquisition of Agribiotics, Inc. Not only did they include acquisition information but also product information.
Ag Podcast Two-fer
First, Truth About Trade has a podcast series going. I guess we didn’t get the release but they’ve got about 13 episodes done it looks like. I just subscribed and will listen while I’m on the road tomorrow.
Kubota Names McCormick for PR
I was just informed that Kubota is now receiving public relations support from McCormick. The alert specifically mentions broadcast reporters but that may be because I’m in that category still. Kubota will still be working with Paulsen Marketing for advertising support.
Meet Marcus Spotts, iPod Owner
The kind folks I met with this afternoon to talk about podcasting and how to apply it to their business and customers let me stay online for a few minutes after we got done. So I’m proud to introduce you to Marcus Spotts, Nora Springs, IA who won the New Holland “Down on the Farm” Classic iPod Keepsake Contest. I know we could have come up with a longer name for it if we had tried.
Classic iPod Keepsake Winner Announced
Welcome to National Agriculture Day on AgWired. This is the day for the announcement of the winner of the New Holland “Down on the Farm” Classic iPod Keepsake Contest. Thanks to all the people who entered online or at the New Holland booth at Commodity Classic. The random drawing has taken place and . . .
4 New Partners At Context Network
Are you in need of ideas for how to run your organization or business. Then maybe you need to put it in context, Context Network that is.
Integrate This Into Your Vocabulary
I subscribe to news releases from a variety of places using agriculture as a key word so I’m sure this thing has an agricultural application. This is one of those things you’re never going to hear a radio ad for. Just look at the words in this selection of the release from Analytical Spectral Devices:
Ag Week Grassroots Support By D&PL
With National Ag Week coming up D&PL decided to create a grassroots initiative to show off the valuable contribution agriculture makes to our society. This is an idea that I’d like to see more of. I hope we get a follow-up report on the project. The company’s employees are creating word of mouth advertising in support of a good cause. Who would be better evangelists than the people who work for a company that make their living from the success of our farmers?
Micro Flo-ing To Arysta LifeScience
Although the financial details are a secret it’s still a big deal. Micro Flo will be part of Arysta LifeScience now.
Final Call To Enter Video iPod Contest
This is your final reminder to get your entry in for the New Holland “Down on the Farm” Classic iPod Keepsake Contest. It’s easy and the odds are better than the lottery. We’ve had a lot of entries so far but you’ve still got until the end of the day March 15. Don’t wait.