I guess this is pretty big news. According to the announcement about, “with average daily volume approaching 9 million contracts per day and notional value of approximately $4.2 trillion per day based on recent results,” big. That’s big.
Selling That Seed Online
The latest news about how USDA is helping push broadband development in rural areas has stoked the fires of a number of people. I’m at the top of that list.
Latest Podcast From the MGEX
Hello from the road. I wanted to bring your attention to the latest edition of the Minneapolis Grain Exchange Monthly USDA Crop Report Commentary. I just recorded it, uploaded it and updated the podcast file before getting back in the car and heading up the highway to Missouri.
Kudos for AVICTA Complete Pak
Syngenta’s AVICTA Complete Pak has been named Product of the Year by AgriMarketing magazine.
CBOT Record
It’s been a busy week but no where more busy than the Chicago Board of Trade it would seem.
Live Web ChickenCast
The “100% Chicken, Naturally.” folks, Sanderson Farms, will be taking part in a live webcast from the National Chicken Council annual meeting on Thursday. This sure seems like something that makes so much sense today that I don’t know why we don’t see more organizations or companies doing it. It’s a great way to reach the media that can’t attend, your customers who are interested and can’t attend and by recording and archiving it you can use elements of it in news releases, on your website, in your podcasts, newsletters and presentations. I’m guessing Sanderson Farms knows this and will be doing so.
Wheatgrass Nationally, Naturally I’m Sure
What is Wheatgrass? This is a new one on me. I’m just trying to picture a bottle of Wheatgrass juice and having a hard time with it. Here’s a website where you can learn more about it. Here’s another one. My gosh, a Google search brought up 84,700 results. Maybe these guys are on to something.
PCVAD Awards
PCVAD is a whole lot easier to say than porcine circovirus associated disease don’t you think?
FFA Students Visit Garst
Garst Seed Company was a stop on the FFA Partnership Tour recently. This is where FFA students visit with executives of companies around the country. Pictured are (l to r): Garst Communications Manager Lori Thomas, Iowa FFA President Matt Dolch, National FFA Secretary Jessie Geib, National FFA Eastern Region Vice President Ryan Peterson and Garst Head of Marketing Steve Klein.
Safety Graphics From AEM
Warning. This could get graphic.
The Association of Equipment Manufacturers has a database of “pictorial illustrations” that can be used in a variety of safety projects like signs and manuals.