2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BIO 2006 is Concluding

Chuck Zimmerman

Team Rhea & KaiserThe BIO 2006 convention concludes this evening with a final reception. It’s time to shut down for now. I’ll be travelling most of tomorrow so keep an eye out for some more BIO coverage. I’ve got more interviews and pictures to share.

Agencies, Audio

McClure Joins Rhea & Kaiser

Chuck Zimmerman

img class=”right” src=”http://zimmcomm.biz/images/agency/scott-mcclure.jpg” alt=”Scott McClure” />That’s a big commute. Chi-town to St. Louie. But Scott McClure is doing it now as management supervisor leading the Bayer CropScience cotton, rice and peanut accounts for Rhea & Kaiser.


O&B Agency For Monsanto Dairy

Chuck Zimmerman

Osborn & Barr Communications just received some new business from Monsanto after being named agency of record for Monsanto Dairy. Osborn & Barr is charged with developing and executing a strategy of integrated communications, including creative direction, media services, digital marketing, and public relations. Osborn & Barr will be involved with Monsanto’s POSILAC® and DecisiveTM brands, as well as all …

Agencies, Agribusiness, Dairy