2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Join the AMS Virtual Career Fair

Cindy Zimmerman

Agricultural marketing and media companies have the opportunity to connect with current ag communications students, grad students, and young professionals during the first Ag Media Summit Virtual Career Fair on September 18, hosted by AAEA The Agricultural Communicators Network and the Livestock Publications Council (LPC). Using this platform, companies can list available internships, jobs and other opportunities, and include a …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC

2020 Ag Media Summit is Going Virtual.

Chuck Zimmerman

Here is the official announcement from the Ag Media Summit. We were looking forward to seeing everyone at AMS 2020 in Kansas City. However, the safety and well-being of our participants is our priority. Based on growing concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on our community’s ability to travel to the conference, the Ag Media Summit Steering …

Ag Media Summit, Media

ZimmCast 649 – Looking Ahead to the Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast, featuring weekly interviews with agribusiness industry leaders and all about what’s new, with a focus on agricultural marketing. In this week’s episode I talk with Chris Clayton, Ag Policy Editor, DTN/The Progressive Farmer, who is the Steering Committee Chair for Ag Media Summit. The event was postponed to November 14-18 in Kansas City. The …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Media, ZimmCast

ZimmCast 647 – AAEA Celebrating 100 Years

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. In this week’s program I’m sharing a conversation with Gil Gullickson, Crops Technology Editor for Successful Farming magazine/Agriculture.com. We talk about the 100 year celebration of the AAEA, The Agricultural Communicators Network. We also talk about this year’s Ag Media Summit which has been moved to November. Let’s all hope that we’re closer to …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Media, ZimmCast

2020 Ag Media Summit Postponed

Chuck Zimmerman

This was just announced by Tina Bowling, Ag Media Summit Conference Manager in a message to those of us speaking. I’m sure there are a lot of details to work on now and that includes making sure we’re available! After careful consideration, the Ag Media Summit Steering Committee has decided to postpone AMS 2020 scheduled for July in Kansas City, …

Ag Media Summit, Media

ZimmCast 626 – Meet the new Executive Director of the LPC

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program let’s meet Lindsay Graber Runft, Executive Director, Livestock Publications Council, pictured on the left with the LPC Board at the 2019 Ag Media Summit. Lindsay started with LPC in July this year and I met her at the AMS. Lindsay has a solid background in livestock production and association management. As an example, she served as director …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC, Media, ZimmCast

FMC Working on New Herbicide Modes of Action

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s been a long time since the industry has seen a new mode of action in herbicides, so FMC is excited to be working on some they hope to launch in five to ten years. “We haven’t had a new mode of action in herbicides in 30 years,” said FMC Field Development Representative Scott Swanson at the recent Ag Media …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, Audio, FMC, Herbicide, Video

FMC Offers Fall Residual Herbicide Program Advice

Carrie Muehling

FMC is recommending growers aim for a zero tolerance policy when it comes to weeds, according to Brandon Schrage, technical service manager. Schrage said preventing weed growth in the seedbank is particularly important. “What we want to see is that fall residual being applied once soil temperatures are 50 degrees and falling. That’s going to ensure that our product is …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, Audio, FMC, Video, weed management

Ag Media Summit Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

Ag Media Summit is the annual awards extravaganza for LPC and AAEA. AAEA, The Agricultural Communicators Network, handed out communications awards for writing, design, mar-com, photography, digital and social media, in addition to the Lifetime Achievement and Andy Markwart Horizon awards. Jim Patrico and Jo Ann Alumbaugh were honored for their career achievements, and Cassie Yontz with Charleston-Orwig received the …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, LPC

Recognition from Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow

Chuck Zimmerman

I was very surprised and honored to receive an award during the Ag Media Summit from the National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow. Mandy Taylor, Oklahoma State and outgoing NACT President, presented me with their Distinguished Professional award. Cindy and I were able to conduct a session for the group that attended the NAFB convention last year and we thoroughly enjoyed …

Ag Media Summit