2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech invests in #AgMedia

Lizzy Schultz

It seems that the minds behind Alltech are under the belief that the leaders of tomorrow are worth investing in today, as they celebrated their third consecutive sponsorship of the Livestock Publications Council (LPC) Forrest Bassford Student Award at the 2015 Ag Media Summit. The Forrest Bassford award honors excellence, professionalism and leadership among students. Each year, following a competitive …

Ag Media Summit, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Journalism, Media, University

News From Custom Harvesters at #AgMedia

Cindy Zimmerman

Mark Anderson and Dan Misner with U.S. Custom Harvesters (USCHI) had some news to share at the Ag Media Summit last week. First, Anderson says they just announced a new partnership with Ag in the Classroom to develop two curriculums using footage leftover from “The Great American Wheat Harvest” documentary. “These curriculums will focus on agribusiness, leadership and job opportunities …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, Harvest

#Biodiesel Supports #AgMedia

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) was proud to once again be a part of the Ag Media Summit this week and share their positive message about the biodiesel industry. “AMS is really a great gathering of a wide variety of publications across the ag industry,” said Jessica Robinson of NBB. “It’s a good opportunity to talk with people and let …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Biodiesel

AgriCorps: Youth is the Solution

Lizzy Schultz

During Tuesday’s lunch session at Ag Media Summit, participants listened to a special presentation on the future of agriculture in Africa, and the potential it holds for both economic prosperity for millions of impoverished youth, and answers to the greatest challenge humanity will face yet: How farmers are going to feed an additional three billion people by the year 2050. …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Education, FFA, Food, International

FMC Busy at #AgMedia

Cindy Zimmerman

The FMC booth was a popular stop for ag journalists at the Ag Media Summit InfoExpo because they had experts to chat about some of the new products FMC has in the pipeline. FMC Corporation is a big sponsor at the Ag Media Summit and Jill Heggen says it’s an important event for them. “We like to connect with the …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, FMC

Talking Soybean Issues at #AgMedia

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Soybean Association booth at the Ag Media Summit came complete with president and farmer Wade Cowan of Texas to talk about some timely issues for the industry. I got to talk with Wade about last week’s passage of the Safe and Affordable Food Labeling bill and the role soybean growers played in helping to educate lawmakers about the …

Ag Media Summit, ASA, Audio, Soybean

#AgMedia Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

AAEA, LPC and ACT all honored the best of their best during the annual Ag Media Summit awards banquet Tuesday night. The awards were many and well deserved – from new Hall of Fame members, distinguished service, lifetime achievement, and horizons – to annual best of shows in photography, writing, and design – to just-because-we-love-you awards. Among those honored were …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC

CNN Editor Discusses #AgMedia

Lizzy Schultz

2015 Ag Media Summit participants were fortunate to have the opportunity to attend three sessions given by Jan Winburn, senior editor for enterprise at CNN Digital and a writing coach with over 30 years of experience. She has coached writers that have gone on to win awards as prestigious as the Pulitzer Prize and the Ernie Pyle Award for human …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Media, Public Relations, Social Media