FFA + CSX Team Up To Hit the Track at the Brickyard

Jamie Johansen

The Brickyard 400 will make history once again this year as the No. 38 FFA + CSX Living to Serve Ford becomes the first car to represent the 87-year-old, Indianapolis-based agricultural education and youth service organization, the largest of its kind with more than 610,240 student members interested in agriculture, as a primary sponsor in a NASCAR race. “I can’t …

Ag Groups, Education, FFA, NASCAR

Tax Bill to Help Ag, Other Small Businesses

John Davis

The Senate Finance Committee has moved forward legislation seen as important to agriculture and other small businesses. Farm Bureau is praising committee passage of the measure to extend important tax provisions through 2016. The legislation includes two provisions that let small businesses deduct major capital expenditures over just a few years, rather than the full life of the equipment they …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Agribusiness

CTIC Cover Crop Survey Results

Chuck Zimmerman

Cover crops are continuing to prove very beneficial to yields according to the results of a survey conducted by the Conservation Information Technology Center. A survey of more than 1,200 farmers across the country revealed that cover crops boosted corn yields last year by a mean of 3.66 bushels per acre (2.1%) and increased soybeans by an average of 2.19 …

Ag Groups, Conservation, CTIC

AGree Criticizes K-12 Food and Ag Ed in US

John Davis

A group that represents a cross-section of the food and agriculture system says education in those areas in the U.S. is “disjointed and ineffective.” AGree released a paper that makes the claim and identifies needed reform. The paper, “Food and Agricultural Education in the United States,” authored by Stephanie Mercier, former Chief Economist of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee and …

Ag Groups, Education

FFA Convention Back to Indianapolis This Year

John Davis

The National FFA Convention & Expo returns to Indianapolis for 2016-2024. This news release from the organization says the annual convention, being hosted in Louisville, Kentucky, this year, attracts more than 64,000 attendees from across the country. “We are excited to be bringing the National FFA Convention & Expo back to Indianapolis,” Dr. Steve Brown, the national FFA advisor, said. …

Ag Groups, FFA

Senator Heidi Heitkamp Honored by ASA

Kelly Marshall

The American Soybean Association has honored Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) with the Soy Champion Award for her outstanding public advocacy for soybean farmers.  As a member of the Senate Ag Committee, Heitkmap has done considerable work for biodiesel, farm programs, and trade and transportation. “Senator Heitkamp has proven herself to be a strong voice for North Dakota soybean farmers,” said …

Ag Groups, ASA

Stallman to Retire as AFBF President

Cindy Zimmerman

American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman announced today that he will not seek re-election in January 2016. Stallman, a cattle and rice producer from Texas, has served 16 years as the organization’s 11th president. “It has been a tremendous honor to serve the nation’s Farm Bureau members and represent agriculture and rural America,” Stallman said. “After 16 years as …

AFBF, Ag Groups

Farm Foundation to Host Forum on Drought

John Davis

The multi-year drought in the western United States has impacted that region’s farmers and ranchers,and government officials have had to take extensive measures to deal with water shortages. This coming Wednesday, July 15, Farm Foundation will host a free forum at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to discuss how lessons being learned in the West may help the …

Ag Groups, Farm Foundation

Corn Growers Educational Campaign Joins the Smithsonian

John Davis

The story of innovation and accomplishment of America’s corn growers now has a place in the Smithsonian. The National Corn Growers Association says its seven-year-old Corn Farmers Coalition advertising campaign has a new exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. “Having this campaign on display in an institution like the Smithsonian validates the investment of farmer’s corn checkoff …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Corn, NCGA

Aug. 11 Food Dialogues to Focus on ‘Farm to Consumer’

John Davis

Consumer concerns about the impact food production practices might have on their long-term health or the health of the planet will be the topic of the next Food Dialogues. The Aug. 11 event will be held in Minneapolis and will bring together a panel of leaders in the food space, including food and retail executives and farmers for a conversation …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Food