The Farm Financial Standards Council has elected Paul Neiffer (center) serve as president for 2015-16. Neiffer is a principal with ClifftonLarsonAllen, LLP, in Kennewick. Neiffer is flanked to his right by Stephen Severe, CFO of Padlock Ranch, Ranchester, WY, who will serve as the organization’s vice president. The secretary/treasurer of the Council is Janice P. Bitter, vice president of Farm …
Tiemann Elected Chairman of U.S. Grains Council
A Nebraska corn farmer and state Corn Board member is the new chairman of the U.S. Grains Council (USGC). Alan Tiemann from Seward, Nebraska, was elected at the organization’s 55th annual board of delegates meeting in Montreal, Canada, after serving as USGC vice-chairman over the previous year. “I have enjoyed addressing issues and helping open markets for the Grains Council …
Farm Foundation President to Retire
The president of Farm Foundation is going to reture. Neil Conklin, who took office in 2008 and is the sixth person to lead Farm Foundation in its 82-year history, says he will retire effective December 2016. “Neil has been key in fulfilling the Trustees’ goal to position the Foundation as the leader in helping public and private-sector leaders address the …
Free Fuel Happy Hours at Sturgis Buffalo Chip
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has been providing free E10 fuel fill-ups for bikers at the Buffalo Chip Campground during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally for the past four years, and every year Chip owner Rod “Woody” Woodruff is first in line. Cindy borrowed my new Golden ZimmComm Microphone to interview Woody during her first trip to the annual event. “RFA …
CropLife America Launches Green Thumb Challenge
CropLife America (CLA) is challenging agriculture advocates to paint their thumbs green this August and post a photo on Twitter. The Green Thumb Challenge contest encourages participants to show their support for today’s farmers and the many methods they use to feed communities across the U.S. in an environmentally sustainable way. Everyone is encouraged to give a thumbs up for …
News From Custom Harvesters at #AgMedia
Mark Anderson and Dan Misner with U.S. Custom Harvesters (USCHI) had some news to share at the Ag Media Summit last week. First, Anderson says they just announced a new partnership with Ag in the Classroom to develop two curriculums using footage leftover from “The Great American Wheat Harvest” documentary. “These curriculums will focus on agribusiness, leadership and job opportunities …
AFBF: Secrecy, Misconduct at EPA on WOTUS
A series of memos the Obama Administration intended to keep private shows a culture of secrecy, falsehood and dysfunction that permeated the Waters of the U.S. rulemaking process. The American Farm Bureau charges the Army Corps of Engineers memos show the Corps “repeatedly rebuked EPA officials for their abuse of the rulemaking process in producing the deeply controversial Waters of …
Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act Passes House
The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act has passed the U.S. House on a 275-150 vote, another step to ensuring that farmers will be able to use the safe technology, GMOs. The news was welcomed by a variety of politicians and ag groups. “For the past two years we have worked hard to defend our farmers’ right to use the …
Future of Crop Science Institute Attracts Students
Des Moines, Iowa, recently played host to 62 student delegates meeting for the inaugural Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Crop Science Institute. This news release from the group says this one of four AFA Leader Institutes, which connect passionate, talented college students from 25 universities from 21 different states to various sectors of the agriculture industry. “Career exploration is an …
11 Attorneys General Called to Investigate HSUS, a project of the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom, applauded the Midwestern Legislative Conference of the Council of State Governments for passing a resolution calling on 11 state attorneys general to investigate the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The states covered are North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. The …