Iowa FFP Launches “Homegrown Food. Hometown Values”

Kelly Marshall

The Iowa Food & Family Project (Iowa FFP) is working together with farmers to serve locally grown food with the launch of it’s new campaign, “Homegrown Food.  Hometown Values.” The sentiment draws attention to the locality of food and the commitment of today’s farm families to provide that food in a safe and reliable manner that’s good for the environment …

Advertising, Ag Groups, Food

Meet the 2016 Alice in Dairyland

Jamie Johansen

In an effort to educate audiences across Wisconsin about the importance and global impact of agriculture, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection(DATCP) has created a secret weapon: they call her Alice, and the role she holds as an agricultural industry professional is making an incredible impact on Wisconsin youth. Alice in Dairyland is a one year, full …

Ag Groups, Audio, Dairy, World Dairy Expo

New Ad Exposes Chipotle’s “Burrito Disguise”

Kelly Marshall

A full-page ad ran in the New York Post last week highlighting the Center for Consumer Freedom‘s Chubby Chipotle campaign.  The ad exposes Chipotle’s “healthy” burritos as 1,500 calorie meals.  The ad also points out that in addition to their Burrito Disguise, Chipotle is also facing a class-action lawsuit for alleged violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. “Chipotle …

Advertising, Ag Groups, Animal Health, Food, GMO, Sustainability

Beef Excellence in Canada

Chuck Zimmerman

Beef is what was for lunch during one of my tour stops at the Canadian Farm Writers Federation Annual Meeting. Excellent beef. Beef from the Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence to be precise. This center opened earlier this year and is a Canadian beef and veal innovation, training, education and culinary marvel. The key areas are a presentation room, meat …

Ag Groups, Beef, Food, International, Video

#WDE15 Book Celebrates Show’s Founder

Jamie Johansen

The World Dairy Expo is kickstarting a year long celebration of it’s 50th anniversary in 2016 with the publishing of We Need A Show, a commemorative book on the prestigious show’s history. Among the many contributors to the book’s content is Roy Hetts, son of World Dairy Expo Founder Alan Hetts. Alan Hetts’ was a lifelong Wisconsin Dairyman, and his …

Ag Groups, Audio, Dairy, Education, World Dairy Expo

Dairy Policy Talks at #WDE15

Jamie Johansen

Policies concerning our nation’s dairy industry were just a few of the topics Wisconsin Secretary of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection, Ben Brancel, discussed while attending the 2015 World Dairy Expo. “Today I think price in most all commodities are issues whether you are talking milk or grain prices. Of course low grain prices help that dairy farmer out when …

Ag Groups, Audio, Dairy, Trade, World Dairy Expo

October is National Sausage Month

Kelly Marshall

It’s tailgating season, and with fall in the air what’s not to love about sausages cooking on the grill.   In fact, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) says Americans love sausage so much they’ll eat 14 billion servings of it this year with peak consumption being autumn.  Thus October has been declared National Sausage Month. As part …

Ag Groups, Food

60,000 Expected for National FFA Conference

Kelly Marshall

This is the last of the three-year visit of the National FFA Convention & Expo to Louisville.  Starting October 24 the guests will converge on the city to experience the event, with more than 60,000 expected. “Amplify” is the theme for this year’s convention and expo. “With the opportunities we are given in our lives, we must take action and …

Ag Groups, Events, FFA

New Holland Increases Support for WDE

Lizzy Schultz

The New Holland team is making a huge presence at this year’s World Dairy Expo, which is being held for the second year in the state of the art New Holland Pavillon at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI. The new facilities make it much easier for exhibitors to house the 2100 cows that attend the show by consolidating …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy, Equipment, World Dairy Expo

National FFA Sets Membership Record

Kelly Marshall

More than ever agriculture needs a passionate, skilled and educated generation ready to fight global hunger and expand sustainability.  The National FFA Organization is ready and expanding. Today, FFA membership stands at 629,367 students, up from 610,240 in 2014, an increase of 3 percent. The number of chapters grew from 7,665 in 2014 to 7,757 in 2015. The top five …

Ag Groups, FFA