RFA Ethanol Podcast

USPOULTRY Elects New Chairman

Lizzy Schultz

The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) elected a new chairman at a board meeting held during the 2016 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE). Previous vice chairman of the board, Paul Hill, of Ellsworth, Iowa, was elected into the position, and was presented with the time-honored “working man’s gavel” by Sherman Miller, the 2015 chairman. Hill is a native …

Ag Groups, IPPE, Poultry

John Deere Strengthens Partnership with FFA

Kelly Marshall

John Deere has been partnering with the National FFA Organization to ensure the future of agriculture for more than 72 years.  2016 will continue the tradition of providing opportunities for members of the FFA to grow into leaders who can strengthen their communities as well as agriculture.  John Deere has pledge one million dollars annually for the next five years …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, FFA, John Deere

2016 CIC & NCBA Trade Show in Sunny San Diego

Jamie Johansen

I have touched down in warm and sunny San Diego for the 2016 Cattle Industry Convention & National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Trade Show. Cattlemen & women from across the country have made their way West to take in the latest beef industry issues and network with fellow cattle producers. The trade show is like no other and the Cattlemen’s …

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Events, NCBA, New Holland

Grassroots Movement Expanding through CommonGround

Kelly Marshall

CommonGround volunteer farm women from across the country met in Washington D.C. at the National Museum of American History to learn how to share their story.  Presentations from various ag groups, like the Center for Food Integrity, helped give the women tools to reach urban and suburban moms online, through public speaking, and in media interviews.  Attendees talked about prevalent …

Ag Groups, NCGA, USB

The IPPE is Bigger Than Ever

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from the Georgia World Congress Center and the International Production & Processing Expo. The event is sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, North American Meat Institute and American Feed Industry Association. There are 1,300 exhibitors occupying almost a half million square feet. It’s big! The trade show opens at 10am this morning and is where I’ll be …

Ag Groups, IPPE, Meat, Poultry

FamilyFarms Now Accepting Scholarship Applications

Jamie Johansen

FamilyFarms Charities is offering two $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors planning to pursue college training in fields related to agriculture. Each recipient is then eligible for a $500 follow-up scholarship for the next three years of their undergraduate program provided they remain on a career path in agriculture and maintain good grades. The FamilyFarms Charities Scholarship was created to …

Ag Groups, Education, Farming

Ag Marketing Advice from Buzzfeed VP

Lizzy Schultz

The 2016 Dairy Strong conference featured a variety of exceptional keynote presentations, with many presenters coming from outside of the agriculture sector, but few would argue that any of them made as strong of an impact as Jonathan Perelman. Perelman is the Head the Digital Ventures at ICM Partners, the former Vice President of Motion Pictures at Buzzfeed, the former …

Ag Groups, Audio, Marketing, Media, Technology

Promote Your Company in Washington D.C.

Kelly Marshall

National Ag Day will be here soon and on March 15, 2016 members of this community will be spreading the word of agriculture across the nation. Right now the Agriculture Council of America is looking for companies who would like to boost their exposure, especially in Washington D.C., by sponsoring Ag Day. The purpose of Ag Day is to better educate …

Ag Day, Ag Groups

Latest #FoodD Talks Sustainability at Dairy Strong

Jamie Johansen

The 2016 Dairy Strong Conference was able to serve as a host for the U. S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance’s (USFRA) latest installment of Food Dialogues, a comprehensive discourse on food production between a panel of food industry experts. This group of panelists was asked to focus discussion around the controversial topic of sustainability. One panelist was Lauren Linsley, RDN, …

Ag Groups, Audio, Dairy, Sustainability, USFRA

Common Ground Grows Food Dialogues

Kelly Marshall

Before Storm Jonas rolled in over the weekend I had the opportunity to attend the national Common Ground conference in Washington D.C. The event, sponsored by the United Soybean Board and the National Corn Growers Association, was created to help farm women learn how to better communicate with urban women about the safety and security of their food. “The ideas …

Ag Groups, Events, NCGA, USB