RFA Ethanol Podcast

National Beef Ambassadors

Chuck Zimmerman

To be an ambassador you’ve got to be passionate about your subject. These ladies are definitely that. Pictured are (left-right) Carol Abrahamzon, ANCW, project manager from Minnesota, Joann Strom, South Dakota, Londa Johnson, Minnesota, Amanda Rankin, California and Christie Molinaro, Pennsylvania. I asked them what it means to be a beef ambassador and what they do. One of their most …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

National Dairy Council Meeting in Denver Too

Chuck Zimmerman

The Cattle Industry Summer Conference isn’t the only thing going on here in Denver. The National Dairy Council is also meeting at the same time/place for the first time. The NDC started off with a general meeting this afternoon. Here’s what they’ll be doing tomorrow. A unique highlight of this year’s Summer Conference will take place Tuesday, July 17, when …

Ag Groups, Cattle Industry Conference, Dairy

Beef Board Members Will Be BUSY

Chuck Zimmerman

The executive committee of the Beef Board is already at work here in Denver. They get together to make sure everything is in order before everyone else arrives at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. At their lunch meeting I spoke with CBB chairman, Ken Stielow. He provides us with an overview of the conference from the Checkoff perspective. Ken says …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

The Cattle Industry Media Room Masters

Chuck Zimmerman

The masters of the media room are Joe Schuele and Grace Webb. Once again they’re setting up for the media. This time at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. Things don’t really get cranked up until tomorrow but us bloggers are on the scene early (actually I’m the only one here at the moment). I interviewed Joe and Grace as they …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Beef Board Blogging Once Again

Chuck Zimmerman

This week I’ll be the Beef Board Blogger once again in Denver. It’s time for the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. I’ll be posting here and on Beef Board Meeting.com. That’s the Cattlemen’s Beef Board blog which is used to archive committee meeting agendas, notes and minutes. This will be the 4th meeting that I’ve blogged for CBB. The site is …

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

USAHA Moves To Midwest

Laura McNamara

The United States Animal Health Association is trading East coast maritime scenery for rugged, river bluffs in the Midwest. This national animal health forum has relocated its headquarters to St. Joseph, MO from Richmond, VA. “This is a very exciting time for USAHA,” says USAHA president and Georgia State Veterinarian Lee M. Myers. “We have been pleased with the results …

Ag Groups, Animal Health

Pork Checkoff Blog and GMO Africa

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s some more blogs you might want to check out. The Scoop: This is the blog of the Pork Checkoff. Thanks to Teresa Roof (one of the pork bloggers) for bringing it to my attention. GMO Africa: He lives in Seattle and his name is James Njoroge. James specializes in agricultural biotechnology. He’s trained in mass communication and technical writing. …

Ag Groups, Biotech, International

GMO Food For Thought Blog By AgBioWorld

Chuck Zimmerman

The GMO Food For Thought Blog has a new blogmaster. He’s C.S. Prakesh of Tuskegee University and AgBioWorld. His plans call for a weekly synopsis of topics of concern to the agricultural biotech community covering the latest news and innovation. The blog will also offer guest blog posts and industry news. AgBioWorld provides science-based information on agricultural biotechnology issues to …

Ag Groups, University