The Ralph Grossi Policy Update

Chuck Zimmerman

Ralph Grossi, President, American Farmland Trust, was our luncheon speaker today. He gave us a great overview of Washington, DC policy including the farm bill situation. To save me time summarizing his comments I’m going to just let you listen for yourself. Yes, the golden ZimmComm microphone was in action. I’ll try to get back here and post more about …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Audio

On the Cutting Edge of Cotton

Laura McNamara

The latest innovation in the cotton industry merges two integral processes to offer growers a more efficient production of cotton. And more growers can get their hands on the technology too. Case IH manufacturing has gone commercial with cotton. The machine is the Case IH Module Express 625, which allows growers to save capital, fuel and labor by combining cotton …

Ag Groups, Cotton, Equipment, Technology

Baxter Entertains Beef Board

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s getting near time for me to close up shop at ZimmComm New Media’s temporary Denver headquarters. The Cattle Industry Summer Conference is almost at an end. If you want to get a good overall summary of what happened from a Beef Board perspective then visit Beef Board At last night’s CBB dinner we were entertained by Mr. Cowboy …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

2007 Environmental Stewardship Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

Taking good care of the land got rewarded last night for 6 farms around the country. The regional winners of the National Environmental Stewardship Award Program were announced. “The six regional winners have made extensive efforts to work closely with their local communities and government agencies, including the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), to implement conservation programs that benefit …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Cattle Industry Conference

Merial Media Reception

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks once again to Merial for not only sponsoring the media room but also last night’s reception. It was in a very cool place, the Buckhorn Exchange. Their website says they have Colorado liquor license #1. According to Evan Slack it’s the oldest bar in Colorado. He should know right? Just kidding Evan. I’m hoping for good weather tomorrow for …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Cattle Industry Conference

New Beef Board Advertising

Chuck Zimmerman

Things are kind of quiet here today at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference since it’s committee meeting after committee meeting. They’re working but that makes it a little challenging to get to talk to and do interviews. However I caught John Dudley before his committee got started. He’s chairman of the Joint Advertising Committee. Their meeting is combined with the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Learning How NCBA Performs Beef Checkoff Work

Chuck Zimmerman

You may know that the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association performs work for the Beef Checkoff under various contracts. The man who helps oversee that along with everything else that NCBA does is Terry Stokes, CEO. Terry is being interviewed here by Ron Hayes, Radio Oklahoma Network, in the media room this morning. BTW, Ron was just recently inducted into the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

How The Dairy Checkoff Works

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t know about you but I’ve always been a little confused about how the different dairy checkoff and promotion groups relate to each other. To help explain that I spoke with Tom Gallagher, CEO of Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI). Tom spoke at the joint beef/dairy issues forum held here yesterday. He starts out explaining that DMI is a combination …

Ag Groups, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, Dairy

The Synergies of Beef and Dairy

Chuck Zimmerman

A little bit of history is being made here in Denver today at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. The Cattlemen’s Beef Board is collaborating with the National Dairy Council to put on a joint beef/dairy issues forum. It’s called “Beef & Dairy: Harnessing the Synergies on Nutrition.” Some of the topics include: The New Nutrition Environment: Common Challenges and Opportunities …

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Dairy