About AgWired

ZimmComm has pioneered the new media specialty of “event blogging” – which includes multi-media coverage from workshops to major conventions. The ZimmComm team covers many major annual agricultural event held nationwide.

ZimmComm publishes AgWired.com and Energy.AgWired.com. The company also operates AgNewsWire – agriculture’s virtual newsroom, which includes multi-media press release distribution as well as downloadable audio and photos from industry events, all made available as content to agricultural media.

AgWired Contacts
President/Co-Founder – Chuck Zimmerman@agriblogger
VP/Co-Founder – Cindy Zimmerman@farmpodcaster

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533

Comments 2

  1. Chuck,

    I just returned from Korea and discovered all the links for FanFair are now invisible.

    Any chance I could still get a look at the hundreds of photos you took from the tractor race?

    Is there any video?

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Trust all is well.


  2. Hi Michael:

    Great to hear from you. You can still find all my posts from the event.

    Put this url into your web browser, then you can scroll back through all my posts:


    There are pictures, including a link to my online photo album and there’s links to audio files and some video as well.

    Let me know if you have any problems. It was a great experience and I know next year will be even better!!


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