2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ayrstone® Announces AyrMesh® HubDuo Meshing Feature

Cindy Zimmerman

Ayrstone® has sold hundreds of its new AyrMesh HubDuo for better outdoor Wi-Fi across the United States and Canada since it was introduced in August and now they have announced an important new feature – Meshing Modes.

Meshing Modes allow HubDuo users to adjust the Hub for either the traditional AyrMesh long-range meshing, with Hubs at least half a mile apart, or a new close-in mesh. Using the “close” meshing option, AyrMesh HubDuo units can be placed as close as 100 feet apart up to half a mile apart. It does this by shifting the meshing signal between the 2.4 GHz. radio and the 5.8 GHz. radio.

The new AyrMesh HubDuo is an outdoor, high-power, meshing WiFi access point, like the existing AyrMesh Hubs, with one important difference: it is the first AyrMesh Hub to use dual-band technology. The new HubDuo is designed to deliver very high-speed outdoor WiFi to nearby devices, and standard high-speed WiFi at longer distances. Like the AyrMesh Hub2x2, using MIMO the AyrMesh HubDuo can provide broadband-class WiFi to hundreds or even thousands of acres of property.

Ayrstone Productivity Presdient Bill Moffitt explains, “With ‘normal mode,’ the HubDuos mesh with all the AyrMesh Hub products on 2.4 GHz. ‘Close mode’ allows them to just mesh with other AyrMesh HubDuos on 5.8 GHz., so the Hubs can be placed as close as a hundred feet apart,” said Moffitt. “Best of all, there’s a ‘hybrid mode’ that uses the 2.4 GHz. mesh to communicate with AyrMesh Hub2 units half a mile to 2 miles away while using the 5.8 Ghz. mesh to communicate with other AyrMesh HubDuo units that may be as close as a few hundred feet.”

This new feature is available immediately on all Ayrstone AyrMesh HubDuo units by selecting the appropriate mode in the “Network Settings” section of AyrMesh.com.

More information can be seen at https://ayrstone.com/www/introducing-the-new-ayrmesh-hubduo/, and the AyrMesh HubDuo is available now at the Ayrstone store – https://ayrstone.com.

data, Internet