Amp Americas Dairy RNG Projects Hit Milestone

Cindy Zimmerman Leave a Comment

Amp Americas, a leading dairy methane capture and renewable natural gas (RNG) company, today announced that its projects have hit the milestone of reducing more than 2,000,000 metric tons (MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions since 2012 – equal to the emissions of more than five natural gas-fired power plants in one year.

Amp Americas partners with dairy farmers across the United States on projects that reduce methane emissions from dairy waste. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas – 84 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in driving global warming over a 20-year time span. Amp Americas provides an immediate, measurable and at-scale solution to methane emissions by capturing methane on dairy farms that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. Dairy RNG also reduces the cost of managing dairy waste and produces digestate that can be used as fertilizer.

“For 12 years, we have worked alongside farmers to make a real, quantifiable impact on greenhouse gas emissions while improving the air quality in rural communities,” said Grant Zimmerman, CEO of Amp Americas. “Two million metric tons is a milestone we’re proud of, especially since there are no other near-term solutions that can tackle methane emissions like our RNG projects. We are grateful for our farm partners and excited to work with them to increase our impact. With access to new markets, Amp will develop additional projects on more and smaller farms across the United States.”

Amp has 17 RNG projects across Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Idaho and Kansas that create well-paying jobs and help dairy farmers improve air quality and reduce risks to water quality in their rural communities. These projects will prevent 700,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions per year by the end of this year, the same climate impact as taking 166,601 cars off the road for one year. Amp Americas received the first dairy waste-to-vehicle fuel pathway certified by the EPA under the Renewable Fuel Standard and the first pathway certified by California’s Air Resources Board (“CARB”). Visit to learn more.

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, carbon, Dairy, Energy

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