2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Would Vilsack Serve Another Term?

Cindy Zimmerman

James Wilson, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, 1897-1913

At the end of the current administration, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack will have served in that role for 12 years under two different presidents. But that’s only second best.

The record – actually for any cabinet member – is held by James “Tama Jim” Wilson, the fourth secretary of agriculture who served for 16 years under three presidents. First nominated in 1897, Wilson served sixteen consecutive years of Republican administrations under Presidents McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft.

Secretary Vilsack served eight full years in the Obama administration and was brought back to the job by President Biden.

If Vice President Kamala Harris were to win the presidency, would Vilsack be willing to continue to serve? I asked him that during a press availability at last week’s American Coalition for Ethanol annual conference:

“I love this job. That’s why I came back to it. But it’s not my choice. I can’t answer that question. It’s not my choice,” said Vilsak. “I’m proud of the fact that I’ve had this level of service for as long as I’ve had it. I think we’re making a difference. I’m really proud of the work we’re doing. To really create a whole new set of avenues and opportunities for small and mid sized producers to stay in business, I am deeply concerned about this. I don’t think it’s acceptable in a country that we should have lost that many farms in a lifetime. I think we can do better and I think we are doing better. So that’s what I’m focused on, you know. I have learned in my life every day is a gift. You don’t know if you’re going to be here tomorrow, much less 2025.”

But he didn’t say no.

In the press conference, Vilsack also comments on 45Z tax credit work, farm bill, and food prices.
ACE 24 Sec. Vilsack presser 15:17

ACE, Audio, Ethanol, USDA