Peterson Brothers at Ag Media Summit Once Again

Chuck Zimmerman

The Peterson BrothersSpeaking at the Ag Media Summit was Greg Peterson and Kendal Peterson of the well-known Peterson Brothers. I first met Greg Peterson at the 2012 Ag Media Summit. I interviewed him before a panel we were on and you can still listen to it here. That same year Greg and Nathan attended the AgChat Agvocacy 2.0 Conference and Jamie Johansen was there and she talked to them about their first video which just blew up and they became Ag Stars. You can listen to Jamie’s interview here when that video had close to 7 million views. Now the video has over 12 million views (I’m Farming and I Grow It)!

So, speaking of views and perhaps creating engagement I’m sharing a question asked of Greg during this year’s Summit.

Greg and Kendal Peterson – Excerpt of a question about the changes in online video engagement and stats
Video statistics q&a with Peterson Brothers (2:39)

In case you didn’t know it the brothers published their latest video during the Ag Media Summit. You can find it here.

2024 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Farming