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EPA’s Ag Office Head Steps Down

Cindy Zimmerman

Snyder addresses ethanol stakeholders in Washington DC, March 2024

The head of EPA’s recently-created Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced he was stepping down this week, after only five months in the new position.

Rod Snyder became senior adviser for agriculture at EPA in October 2021 after serving as president of Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture for seven years. EPA Administrator Michael Regan announced the new office and Snyder as head of it at Commodity Classic in March. “With Rod’s leadership and with the establishment of this new office, we will ensure agriculture and rural stakeholders have a continual seat at the table at EPA for many years to come,” said Regan.

In an exclusive interview with Agri-Pulse, Snyder said he had no “specific plans for his next career move” but will be focusing on his family and personal life. There has been no statement from EPA yet regarding a replacement for Snyder in the ag office.