2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Animal Ag News 6/11

Carrie Muehling

  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is proposing the rule Poultry Grower Payment Systems and Capital Improvement Systems, to address a range of abuses that have occurred in relation to grower ranking (commonly known as “tournament”) payment systems and additional capital investment requirements that poultry companies commonly ask of their contract growers for broiler chicken. This rule is the third in a suite of Packers and Stockyards Act rules that USDA has undertaken to create fairer markets, which ultimately can lead to lower grocery prices for hardworking families. USDA is also announcing new publicly available cattle market transparency tools. These and previous actions are intended to enhance transparency, stop retaliation and discrimination, reduce costs, and support market fairness in a range of circumstances, furthering the Department’s efforts as part of President Biden’s historic Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy.
  • USPOULTRY is offering a new training course entitled, “The Safe Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.” The course provides educational instruction to industry workers on what avian influenza is; safe response methods; safe usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); depopulation, decontamination and disposal methods; and general safety precautions. This training is intended to be a resource for workers and supervisors on safely responding to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) events. The hazards and issues covered in this training are dynamic and require vigilance and flexibility. Users must understand applicable rules and regulations. The new course is available free of charge to USPOULTRY members through USPOULTRY’s Learning Management System, which can be accessed by clicking here.
  • The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) condemned a Department of Defense (DOD) sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products by manufacturing company BioMADE.
  • As we approach a herd rebuild, you need confidence to navigate today’s cattle market dynamics. This year’s Feeding Quality Forum (FQF) theme is just that, so attendees can leave ready to make more informed decisions at the ranch and feedyard to get more value for their cattle. FQF will be hosted at the Boot Hill Casino and Resort Conference Center in Dodge City, Kan., Aug. 20 and 21, 2024. Half-price registration is available now until June 30 for $125. From July 1 to Aug. 2, registration costs $250. Student registration is $50.
  • Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, the largest and oldest livestock association in the Southwest, announced applications are now open for the fall 2024 internship programs. Applications for the fall 2024 internship opportunities are due July 1.
  • Midwest Dairy is pleased to announce Trudy Wastweet has been named Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). Wastweet previously served as Midwest Dairy’s Chief Operating Officer (COO).
  • The National Milk Producers Federation Board of Directors has selected five graduate students researching in areas that benefit dairy cooperatives and producers to receive scholarships as part of the 2024 NMPF National Dairy Leadership Scholarship Program. The recipients were confirmed as part of NMPF’s Board of Directors meeting held in Arlington, VA, on June 5-6. To learn more about and contribute to the NMPF National Dairy Leadership Scholarship program, please visit: www.nmpf.org/programs/scholarship.
  • National Milk Producers Federation leadership expressed confidence that farmers would soon see a fairer federal system for milk pricing and highlighted dairy farmers’ robust response to the challenge of H5N1 influenza in dairy cattle at the organization’s Board of Directors meeting.
  • The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) submitted comments to the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) urging the panel to maintain and enhance dairy’s role as a core component of a recommended healthy diet for Americans. IDFA also urged the DGAC to restore dairy to its draft conclusions on dietary patterns associated with favorable outcomes for body weight and obesity in adults. The DGAC—a committee of 20 nationally recognized nutrition and public health experts—is currently reviewing the current body of nutrition science and developing a scientific report to inform the federal government’s development of the 2025-2030 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). The DGAC is expected to publish their report in late 2024. In written comments, IDFA highlighted the latest science demonstrating dairy is a key component of healthy eating patterns associated with better health outcomes.
  • The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) hosted a policy panel discussion at the 2024 World Pork Expo, where producer-leaders and experts highlighted the need to work with both sides of the aisle to support America’s pork producers. Preparing for and preventing foreign animal diseases (FADs), navigating challenges posed by California Proposition 12, increasing market access programs for U.S. pork, and protecting herd health are the key priorities that NPPC has successfully advocated for within the farm bill.
  • AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites