2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Netafim On The Mall

Chuck Zimmerman

Netafim TeamThis is the Netafim team that exhibited at the National Ag On The Mall event. I interviewed two of them, Aubrey Bettencourt, Global Director of Government Relations and External Affairs and Mike Bloomfield, Commercial Lead for Forage Crops, to get their thoughts on this event and what they hope to accomplish.

Aubrey says the event provides them with a lot of exposure including, “amazing technology that has multiple applications” and “education to key stakeholders.” Mike talks about his work in the Colorado River Basin which includes helping alfalfa farmers use less water and increase yields.

You can listen to them in our interview: AEM Ag on the Mall - Aubrey Betttencourt and Mike Bloomfield, Netafim 4:33

2024 Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the Mall

Agribusiness, Audio, Irrigation